A YouTube video which teaches the difference between healthy egg yolks and relatively unhealthy ones has gone viral. It stands to reason that eggs are only as healthy as the chicken. We are conditioned to believe that all eggs are healthy. But that isn't really the case. The color of an egg can tell the difference between a healthy meal and a poisonous one.
Eggs which are straight from the farm are characterized by their orange-yellow tint, which is noticeably darker than their GMO counterparts. They are laid by healthy, free range chicken in contrast to the regular eggs which we are used to eating.
She begins by breaking the organic egg. And then proceeds towards the regular eggs from the stores. We immediately notice the start contrast between the three different eggs. The healthier one is beautifully orange in color while the regular egg is extremely pale.
Eggs which are not genetically engineered are known to contain a rich amount of the highly useful Omega 3. The institute of Medicine recommends the consumption of at least 1,100 mg a day for men and 1,600 mg a day for women.
While the large majority of soybeans and corn is bioengineered, it is impossible for eggs to be genetically engineered in the US. Eggs are always hatched in their natural state regardless of the chicken's condition. This fact is true for all eggs in their shells.
Despite what many would have us believe, only traditional breeding techniques are deployed in the US to produce egg yielding hens. That is a law. It doesn't matter what the GMO companies seek, they cannot circumvent the law.
It is of no consequence what type of feed is given to the hen. Their digestive process promptly breaks down the proteins and nucleic acids present to use in their bodily functions. Regardless of the food source being GMO or non GMO.
Multiple studies have observed the effect of GM and traditional crops on the nutritional performance in various animals, which include cows, sheep and chickens. They all concluded that there were no traces of GM DNA in the eggs.
If you're extremely paranoid about nonorganic eggs, then the egg industry does offer suitable alternatives. Simply purchase eggs which have been labeled as 'organic'. THE USDA prohibits GMO food grains to be fed to livestock which have been labeled as organic.
Egg yolk color is widely regarded as a good indicator of an egg's health. Consumers prefer colors ranging from golden yellow to orange. Some manufacturers actually add synthetic pigments to add the color, but this is not permissible in the US.
The amount of carotenoids the chicken consumes directly influences the pigmentation of the egg yolk. Carotenoids are present in plants, algae and various forms of bacteria. Their colors range from yellow, orange and even a frightening tinge of red.
Feed for the stock should include spinach, alfalia, kale, corn and other vegetables. If you feed them red peppers, the colors might look a bit on the red side. The diet plays an extremely critical role in both the color of the chicken and its egg.
From the perspective of health and nutrition, the color of the yolk is not at all an indicator of proteins, carbohydrate and other nutrient levels in eggs. No matter how much proponents might argue and throw up terms such as 'GMO'.
By definition, organic eggs must come from chickens that are only fed organic feed. This means no animal by products or synthetic fertilizers. It also prohibits the use of drugs and hormones in the production of organic eggs.
As a result of the growing fear mongering, industrial poultry and egg production (big poultry) is falling out of favor from the general public because of their use of chemicals and drugs. People are gradually making a shift to organic food.
Organic farming also takes the necessary steps to reduce pollution and maintaining healthy soil. It also inadvertently makes less use of water and other precious resources. All these practices reduces the burden placed on our planet. So if you want to switch over to 'bright orange' organic eggs, then do so by all means!