How Your Emotional State Directly Affects Your Baby In The Womb

Lifestyle | By Charlie Blacks II | November 22, 2017

Women have been blessed with the largest responsibility in the world and are responsible for the continuation of not only mankind but the universe as we know it. The female anatomy is literally God's workshop and has the ability to do what no man can and that create life, little beings that will one day form their own thoughts, beliefs, and become contributors to society. But what some expecting mothers don't understand is that their mental state can directly affect the child while still in the womb. Want to know how? Find out for yourself below.

An Unspoken Bond

There's no connection in the world like a mother and child and honestly, from the viewpoint of men, it's something that we will never fully understand. It's an unbreakable bond that will be shared for an eternity as women are born with a natural nurturing instinct that males aren't born with.

Healing Powers

This bond is strong that of course, any sane woman would do anything in order to establish a fruitful life for their child or defend their honor but, a child in the womb can do the same for an expecting mother by extracting stem cells to damaged organs or aching parts of the body in order to save their mother from the inside out. Like we mentioned before... That's one unbreakable bond.


We know a lot of unsuspecting couples don't intend to get pregnant but, once the deed is done and life has been conceived, you have a choice. For those that choose not to terminate the pregnancy and feel any type of resentment, it can immediately take a toll and have a negative impact on the woman physically and the development of the fetus as well.


About 10% of expecting mothers are diagnosed with depression each year and some vital signs to look out for the mental disorder include lack of sleep, lethargy, inability to concentrate, and loss of appetite. This can potentially cause serious harm to the fetus while in the womb.

Depression Pt. II

Depression emits certain hormones like cortisol throughout the body which if the depression is not treated can potentially penetrate the placenta and harm the development of the child's brain. Depression can also several affect the fetal growth of the baby as well which can be potentially physically damaging.


Depression is not only extremely mentally and physically tasking for regular people who have the disease but, it's so crucial to rid expecting mothers of the mental disease because it could possibly affect the IQ of the child they're expecting.


We're sure everyone is knowledgeable about the symptoms and affects postpartum depression has on mothers who have just delivered their newborns. Well, the serious mood disorder affects about one out of seven women who've given birth, which is pretty high if you ask us. Men, this our time to do the do heavy lifting and be there for our significant others and the newborn as well.


We all can't help but get stressed from time to time but prolonged periods of stress for pregnant women is no way to live and could be harmful to the child as well. Stress hormones could end up in the chemical compounds of a forming fetus causing them to suffer from chronic stress even after being born.


For women that have issues with anxiety or remain anxious throughout the majority of their pregnancy, the child can also be severely affected by the emotion causing them to have a lifelong time of suffering from anxiety themselves due to the hormonal imbalance of anxiety chemical compounds circulating through the carrying mother's body.

Learnt Behavior

When an expecting mother is constantly down, surrounded by negativity or suffering from some mental illness, this behavior can be learned by the fetus and have an effect on the child for the remainder of their lives as well. Which is why we recommend peaceful and positive environments while expecting and of course during the duration of the child's upbringing so, they don't pick up any bad habits.

Vulnerable To Disease

When we're in a bad mood, mentally unstable, or suffering from any type of mental disorder our body's immune system instantaneously weakens. The same goes for a child in the womb as well even after being born and we'd like to think everyone would want a relatively healthy baby with an immune system of a champ. Unfortunately, negative moods and behavior can affect that.


We here at CultureHook are nowhere near qualified to offer any expecting mother medical advice but, it has been proven that women that are prescribed anti-depressants and medication for anxiety that continue to take their prescribed pills during their pregnancy can have a child with severe emotional troubles and can even affect the physical size of the child as well.

Crying In The Womb

What many people don't know is that a baby's first time crying may not take place in the delivery room or outside of a birthing pool but, while in the womb. Researchers have found that babies have the ability to silently cry in the womb as early as 28 weeks.

What Expecting Mothers Need To Do

For those of you who are in the midst of a pregnancy we're most likely you're on the right track and maintaining a well-balanced diet, staying calm and relaxed, pampering yourself as well as being pampered, and participating in light exercise for the sake of giving birth to a healthy, bouncing baby.

A Blissful Baby

We understand pregnancy can be an emotional rollercoaster but, don't let the bad times and gloom make you lose sight of the larger picture... Your ability to bring life into a world that needs more happiness and your child will be able to do that not only for you but many more people throughout their lifetime.

Blessing to all the mothers and those that are expecting out there. Love.



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