Dreaming is a fascinating thing. Most people dream at least two or three times every night, although a large majority of dreamers don't remember their dreams. That's very sad, as remembering what you've dreamt of can be very useful if you want to uncover the things that worry or excite you the most. Dreaming about a cheating partner is just one type of dream that many people have. Today, this story is going to analyze the meaning behind this phenomenon.
Scientists have figured out for a long time now that all dreams have their roots in the subconsciousness of our minds. While that means we most probably are not able to predict the future, it still means that our dreams can tell a lot of about what we feel.
Since all dreams are about the emotions we feel deep inside of us, that means they often reflect the things that worry or excite us the most. Dreams about cheating are thus a symbol that there is something that worries us about our relationship.
The reason why our brains have a need to "dream things through," is that often times, we can't process some of the difficult emotions that are inside of us. Dreaming of a scenario that hasn't happened is the brain's way of dealing with this uncertainty.
While no one can answer with complete certainty what a certain dream means, there are dream deduction theories that can help guide you along this path. The next photos and paragraphs are going to show what dreaming of infidelity really means.
It is important to note that our dreams do not represent the actions of others. Dreams cannot show what another person is going to do. What they do show is our own image of ourselves, and what we perceive as a risk to our well-being.
A lot of people that dream of infidelity think that their partner is cheating on them - or is about to start cheating. Keeping this kind of thought pattern is not healthy for and your relationship, and in fact becoming jealous of your partner can lead them towards cheating.
Another important thing to note is about self-fulfilling prophecies. If your relationship is healthy and going according to plan, you should never change things or force your partner into "admitting" a cheating that does not even exist.
All dreams of infidelity are linked to a different kind of personal insecurity - that insecurity is the fear of being betrayed. Every person has this fear inside of them, but part of growing up is learning to come to terms with your insecurities, so they don't affect your life.
Imagine if your dream that your partner is cheating on you is wrong -and then imagine how bad your partner is going to feel when you attack them because of a cheating that never happened? In some cases doing that can even ruin your relationship.
If this dream is still haunting you days or hours after it happened, you need to ask yourself what is it that you really afraid of? Are you really afraid of your partner cheating, or are you perhaps worried that you may not be good enough for the love of your life?
It is important to trust your gut feeling, aka your instinct in situations like this. If your partner has decided to be with you - that means that they love you, meaning you are worthy of their love, and there is no need to feel insecure.
If you dream of cheating on a frequent basis (meaning multiple times per month) that could mean that your partner is becoming emotionally and/or physically distant from you. You should have a talk with them if that is the case.
Just because your partner has become more distant or cold towards you, that doesn't mean that they want to leave you or break up. Sometimes life gets in the way, and perhaps you need to make some adjustments in your relationship in order to improve it.
To gain more security in your relationship, you may need to begin the process of healing past wounds. Perhaps you or your partner has hurt each other in the past. If you have no properly healed from that event, you need to take the time and discuss this with your partner.
Part of the emotional healing process is to have a deep conversation with your partner. You need to tell them exactly what your concerns are, and what changes, if any, you need in your relationship. If your partner loves you, he is going to be able to accommodate your needs.