7 Sure Signs That You Have a Gluten Allergy

Science | By Ian Anglin | December 6, 2017

You have probably heard a lot of people and website articles mention "gluten allergies." The reason for this is simple - a lot of people are allergic to this type of protein, and sadly many of these people consume food that contains gluten on a daily basis. Foods that contain gluten are cereals and flour made out of wheat (including almost all kinds of bread and pasta), barley, and rye. Not everyone has a gluten allergy from birth - some people can develop this condition later in life.

Stomach Pain

One of the first symptoms of a gluten allergy is a pain in your abdominal area. This kind of symptom is very annoying, especially at night since it can cause insomnia and interfere with your sleep. This kind of stomach pain is always accompanied by an excess amount of gas.

Sudden Mood Swings

Another common symptom of a gluten allergy is a sudden mood swing. Anyone can be moody from time to time, but if you notice a pattern and correlation between your food intake and mood swings, that you could be having an allergic reaction to the food's gluten content.


If you are not prone to headaches or migraines, but you suddenly start to feel this symptom after eating food that contains gluten (like bread and pasta), that could be an indicator that you having an allergic reaction. You can take an NSAID to stop this kind of a headache.

Hormonal Problems

Both men and women can get hormonal problems if they eat food that contains gluten (while they are allergic to this compound). Symptoms of a hormonal imbalance are easier to notice in women, which can occur as an irregular and painful menstrual cycle.

Rashes on Your Skin

If you have noticed any kind of rash or pimples on your skin (and especially on your arms), and you also have some of the other symptoms listed on this page, that can be a surefire sign that you have a gluten allergy and should stop consuming white bread and pasta.

Rashes Are Common in People with a Gluten Allergy

Rashes are one of the most common symptom felt by people with a gluten allergy. The type of rash that is commonly caused by this kind of protein, is a formation of very small bumps, that appear due to an excess amount of keratin in the blood and surrounding cells.

Having a Runny Nose

Another common symptom that is experienced by people that have a gluten allergy is to have a runny nose after eating larger amounts of white bread or pasta. The mucus in a situation like this should be clear and liquid.

Indigestion and Bloating

Since a gluten allergy is mostly happening in your abdominal region, it is normal to mostly experience the symptoms in that area. Apart from pains in the stomach, people with a gluten allergy can also feel bloated and constipated after eating food that contains gluten.

Many People Are Unaware of Their Gluten Allergy

Sadly, a lot of people these days are unaware that they are suffering from a major allergic reaction to the gluten they eat with their food on a daily basis. The more you eat gluten, the more you are going to cause various types of inflammation in your body.

Gluten Does a Lot of Damage to Your Health

One of the worst things about the gluten allergy epidemic that is "spreading" around the whole world, is that there is no single country or government that tries to do something to stop this problem. There are dozens of different possible solutions that can improve people's lives.

How to Proceed If You Have a Gluten Allergy

If after reading this article you find that you have some (or all) of the featured symptoms, you can do a test to determine whether you really have a gluten allergy. To do this test, eliminate all food that contains gluten from your diet, and see if the symptoms persist.

If You Notice an Improvement

If you abstain from eating the types of food that commonly contain gluten (such as white bread and pasta), and notice an improvement (meaning you are feeling less or none of the symptoms listed on this page), that means that you have improved your diet and decreased the amount of inflammation in your body.

If You Don't Notice an Improvement

If on the other hand you removed all the food that contains gluten from your diet, yet the symptoms persist, that means that you should schedule a visit to your doctor's office in order to determine what is causing the symptoms that are negatively affecting your life.

Differences from Celiac Disease

There is another disease that shares the same symptoms with a gluten allergy, but these two conditions are not the same at all. While people with a gluten allergy can tolerate some small amount of gluten, people with celiac disease can't tolerate gluten at all.

Differences in Gluten Sensitivity

There is a third medical condition (apart from a gluten allergy and celiac disease) that is caused by consuming gluten - that condition is called "gluten sensitivity." In comparison to gluten allergy, people with a gluten sensitivity can consume larger amounts of this compound without experiencing negative symptoms.



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