As is the case with many people today, palmistry remains their preferred means to decipher the future. People around the world desperately rally around palmistry to find ways to link the future with a few random lines and scribbles on their palms. While there is no scientific evidence of palmistry and its influence on the future, much less marriage, the following is what people believe is the case.
Obviously joining the palms will display even more ridges and indentations for 'experts' to interpret the meaning of. Each person has millions of different variations over the linings of their palm. Each variation spells a different outcome.
Subtle difference such as variances in height of the lines apparently indicate intelligence and success in the marriage partner. We do find it mind bogglingly hard to understand the concrete evidence behind the truth of this statement.
When the height is the same, palmists take it to mean that the person is intelligent and organized. They follow a strict regiment and make sure to always finish their tasks on time. This indicates that their marriage partner is also strict.
And if the right hand is higher, it seems to indicate preference in older people. The desire to be around mature people who are older than oneself is a direct indication of sexual preferences. At least that's what the palmists say.
And if the left hand is higher, it seems to indicate the level of aggression and assertiveness in a person. Palmists it seems like to dabble around generic descriptions of overlapping behaviors in humans, so their arguments are red herrings at best.
Its easy to notice how fortune telling likes to linger in the domain of generics rather than specifics. They tend to describe features in a person which overlap with so many others, so you cannot really verify these claims.
There's a reason why people prefer to use fortune telling to learn about their future. Fortune tellers in general tend to give positive advice with which to counter their fears. Astrologers and palmists generally avoid bad advice.
Many celebrities have also expressed their interest in astrology to help them with decision making. For instance, Angelina Jolie likes to use Buddhist astrology to help pick her important moments in her life. She uses it to plan vacations and even medical procedures.
Charlotte once paid a visit to a psychic. The psychic told Charlotte she was 'an angel and would spend a long time in Sidney next year." This 'long time' could mean anything from 1 day to a month and is as typical as generic advice goes.
There is a remarkable conflict between science and psychic activities. People desire to resolve all conflicts in their lives by relying on advice from sages and astrologers. Its natural, we all want a solution to the numerous problems in our lives.
But imagine if there was a way to foresee the future with smackdab accuracy. It would allow us to save millions of lives of tragic incidents such as earthquakes, storms and even terrorist attacks. But no such device exists as of yet.
A time machine can also allow us to see the future. In the sense that it can send a person to the future. Once the person has seen the future, they should be able to time travel back to the past.
But while time travelling to the future is a scientific possibility, travelling back to the past isn't. So even if a machine were designed to travel time, it would only send you to the future, which means you can't relay the information to the past.
While there is no sure way of telling what may happen in the future, it is certainly possible to 'predict' the future. For instance, it is relatively easy to predict the trajectory of a storm which might be making its way to our beaches.
But we're not relying on magic and old folk tales to derive our predictions of the future. Instead, we use hard science backed up by credible evidence which leads to incredible accuracy. This can save many lives.