15 Clear Signs That She Is Crazy About You

Lifestyle | By Ian Anglin | December 27, 2017

The power of non-verbal communication is so strong and direct, that even if you don't have the first idea of what to look for, you could still easily feel if another person is attracted to you. Some experts say that over 80% of the communication that is happening between people is non-verbal, which is why it is so important to get better at "reading" other people if aren't good at this skill yet. Hopefully reading this article is going to help you out.

Her Pupils Get Wider When She Sees You

One easy trick that you can use to tell if a girl is happy and excited to see you as if her pupils get dilated when she sees you. This isn't as easy to see when you first start out, but you will get the hang of it eventually - remember, practice makes it perfect.

The Position of Her Legs

Another way you can gauge what a girl feels about you is to notice the positioning of her legs. If her legs are crossed, that means that she is not willing to open up to you - that means that you should give her more space and try to make her more comfortable.

Being More Open Towards You

On the flipside of having her legs crossed, is a woman who is sitting or standing with a more open and spread out posture. This kind of position hints at a possible attraction that the girl feels towards you, so take it as a good sign.

She Tries to Be Closer to You

Another thing women that are attracted towards you, is to get physically closer to you. The rule of thumb is that the closer a girl is to you, the more attracted she is. If you notice that she is also holding eye contact with you, that may mean that she really likes you.

She Keeps Her Back Straight

Apart from being healthy for the spine, if a girl keeps her back straight and makes her breasts more visible, that is an indicator that she feels comfortable with you. According to some people, this posture may also mean that the girl is high maintenance.

The Position of Her Thumb

If a girl is hiding her thumb in her pant pockets, her purse, or is tucked inside her hand, that could be an attempt to bring attention to other areas of her body. Interestingly, men are more prone to doing this type of movement than women.

She Is Mirroring You

You might have noticed this behavioral pattern with little girls who try to mirror all the people that they see. This is a built-in instinct that all people have, including men and women. If you notice that a girl is imitating your moves, don't be weirded out - that just means she likes you.

She Shakes Her Shoe

You might notice this type of body language in some movies. A girl (usually wearing a pair of high heels), will start to dangle one shoe on the tip of her toes. Usually, the girls in the movies do this when they are talking to a guy they are interested in.

Checking Her Clothes or Hair

If a girl is constantly trying to check if her clothes and hair are as they should, that means that she is worrying whether the person she is with likes her. If she is wondering whether you like her or not, that means that she likes you - otherwise she wouldn't care.

Touching Her Lips

This is another type of gesture that is usually depicted in the movies. A girl, when interested in a guy (like for example James Bond), will sometimes try to touch her lips with her hand during conversation. Well, girls do the same thing in real life.

Checking Herself in the Mirror

Another interesting thing girls do (so that they can make sure they look good for the person they are interested in), is to constantly check themselves in mirrors. If there are no mirrors available, some girls could be checking themselves in the window reflections of nearby stores.

She Tries to Catch Your Attention

If you notice that a girl with whom you are out is constantly trying to catch your attention and try to say funny and interesting things that means that she is trying to make you like her. A girl wouldn't do that if she didn't already like you.

She Is Always Nearby

If you out walking somewhere or looking at shops, try to notice whether the girl will always be nearby, or whether she wanders off on her own. If you notice that she tries to stay close to you, that means that she is comfortable and feels secure being with you.

She Gets Jealous

If you notice that the girl with whom you are on a date easily gets jealous when you talk with other girls (or even when other girls look at you), that means that she is crazy about you, and is trying to "protect" you so that you are all hers.

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