15 Signs There's Serious Chemistry Between You And Your Partner

Lifestyle | By Ian Anglin | January 5, 2018

The meaning of the word "chemistry" is different, depending on the person you ask. That is because it is difficult to understand what are the things that truly bond one person to another. In more simple terms, chemistry in a context of an ongoing relationship means the things that help you relate to your partner, and that gives you the will the continue with the relationship. This article is going feature 15 different signs that show there is a serious amount of chemistry between you and your partner.

You Smile a Lot

One of the first things that a relationship that is full of chemistry has, is a lot of smiling and laughing while you are with your partner. If you spend a lot of time with your partner where you aren't having a good time, that could be a bad sign.

A Feeling of Familiarity

If you have ever met another person and had an easy time hitting it off, that means that you probably also felt like you have known the other person for a long time. A proper relationship should offer you that kind of feeling every day of the week.

Being Sexually Attracted

All people are genetically inclined to seek partners with whom they share a strong physical attraction. That is why if you are in a relationship that has a lot of chemistry going on, the amount of sexual attraction you will be feeling is going to be through the roof.

Having a Spiritual Connection

If you have a physical attraction towards someone, the next logical step is to see if you are going to be able to create a spiritual connection. A spiritual connection is a combination of rapport and empathy that you feel towards your partner.

Sharing a Sense of Humor

While having deep conversations with your partner is a nice thing to have, you need to also be able to relax with one another. To that end, a relationship that has a lot of chemistry is also going to have a similar sense of humor between the partners.

Feeling Comfortable

Feeling comfortable to your partner is kind of similar to the previous paragraph, the one that talked about having a sense of familiarity with the person you love. However, being comfortable is lightly different from feeling familiar with the love of your life.

Having the Same Interests

This one can be rather difficult for many couples. The problem is, men and women often like different things - for example, although it is becoming more common, there are still far more men that like to play video games, in contrast to the number of women that are willing to do the same thing.

Having Physical Contact

There have been many studies done in the past that show that people start to feel much better if they are touched by a person they like and/or respect. To that end, relationships that involve more physical touch are more likely to succeed than those relationships that don't.

A Sense of Eagerness

Eagerness is the sense that despite what may happen in the relationship, that you are going to be ready and willing to push on. Because the fact of the matter is, if one partner is unwilling to push things through, a relationship cannot succeed.

Understanding Each Other's Sarcasm

Being able to understand your partner's sarcasm is kind of similar to have a shared sense of humor, with the difference being that sarcasm and humor don't always overlap each other. If you can't notice when your partner is sarcastic, that could be very problematic.

Having Mutual Respect

Respect is another thing that is present in all relationships that have a lot of chemistry going on between the partners. Having mutual respect meaning that you get as much respect from your boyfriend or girlfriend, as you are giving to them.

Mirroring Each Other

Mirroring is something natural that happens to all people that spend time together. However, if you are truly connected to your partner, it is natural to mirror more and more of your body language as each day passes.

Noticing the Small Details

If you are in a relationship with a lot of chemistry going on, you are going to be able to notice a lot of the small details going on in the relationship. What's more is that if your partner does something that is slightly annoying, you won't actually be bothered since you love your partner and can tolerate minor irritations.

Silence is Comfortable

When you are with a partner with whom you are completely at ease, you are going to notice that even in days where you have less to talk about, silence won't be awkward and problematic. In fact, silence could even be comfortable.

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