15 People Who Completely Lost It On a Roller Coaster Ride

Humor | By Ian Anglin | February 7, 2018

If you have ever ridden on a roller coaster, you have probably noticed that taking pictures is a big part of the experience. Many people make funny faces during the rides, while others appear to be scared to death. Whatever the case, someone actually decided to go through online forums and Reddit groups in order to find the funniest roller coaster pictures in existence - hopefully, the people featured aren't going to be too ashamed of the experience.

He Doesn't Even Blink

Some people simply do not feel fear - take the guy in the above photo, for example. You can see how scared his friends are (especially the one that is sitting next to him in the cart), but this dude is as calm as they come.

Fearing for His Life

This photo has a lot of things going on in it. In comparison to the previous photo, in this one, all of the people featured are scared, but none more than the large guy in the middle - his facial expression is simply brimming with fear and terror.

Clowns Need to Have Fun Too

Here is an interesting photo - for one, the guy in the back is throwing his hands in the air (while most of the other people are calm), but the biggest surprise is the sad clown - for some reason he doesn't like the roller coaster ride at all.

"I Want to Get Off"

While most children dream of riding a roller coaster, this kid is not like that - in fact, he appears to completely hate the ride. His facial expression doesn't show that he is having fun - it shows that he can't wait for the ride to be over.

Holding on for Dear Life

Before embarking on a roller coaster ride, the employees usually explain that you need to hold on during certain parts of the ride in order to be more stable and secure. These people in the above photo seem to have taken that advice to heart.

Boxers on a Roller Coaster

If you thought that the clown was a funny sight to see on a roller coaster ride, wait until you see the two boxers having the time of their lives in the above photo. Now only are they fully dressed with boxing shorts and gloves, but they appear to not be scared at all.

April Fools' Roller Coaster Ride

While it is not completely sure that this photo was taken during April Fool's Day, that appears to be the most reasonable explanation. Otherwise, why would a few surgeons be on a roller coaster ride, trying to dissect a living person?

Trolling the Camera

These men and women that are on this ride know exactly what they are doing. They were probably too ashamed to show their scared and screaming faces to the camera, so that is why they wear this very popular horse mask during the ride.

He Loves Monopoly

It appears that many people love to try and troll the roller coaster. Not sure how many of them succeed in the task, but these people sure do look like they are having a fun time - they brought a complete monopoly board during the ride.

Possessed By a Demon

In the upper part of the photo, you can see a seemingly normal group of people riding one of these new 4-seat wide roller coasters. But then, in the lower part of the photo, you can see the woman in the middle zoomed-in - her face looks as if she is possessed by a demon.

Another Possession Story

It seems that the "devil" can really find its way on these roller coaster rides - but why would they go for the young and innocent, like the girl here? Just look at how red and intense her face is - she is obviously having a very bad time handling the ride.

Happy vs Terrified

This is a very good photo that shows how our faces can show extremely different facial expression. The girl here is obviously terrified, and even seems to be crying, while her boyfriend is very happy to be able to pose for the photo.

It's Never too Late for a Burger

There is a running joke that many people puke their last meal after (or worse - sometimes during) their roller coaster ride - this guy tries to flip that concept on its back, by eating a burger during the actual roller coaster ride.

He Got Bored

While many people that tried to troll in their roller coaster photos tried to look calm (or eat a burger), this guy went full-in - and he looks to be either asleep or as some other people have noted - dead. Who knows what happened here.

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