15 Signs That You Will Be In A Long Lasting Relationship

Lifestyle | By Cole Damon | February 7, 2018

The first days in a relationship are always exciting and fun to be in, but you soon get to find out that the relationship you are in is different than many others. Knowing a long lasting relationship where both of you are committed is not easy, and here we have 15 ways through which you can easily evaluate your own relationship.

Their Family Loves You

If your partner is serious about having you in their life, they would be going to all extents to ensure that their family loves you. This would include ensuring that you and the family get to sit together and have a good time.

Mutual Friends

One thing about a committed relationship is that both of you have mutual friends. Both of you hang out with the same group and respect each other's friends. These friends will stick by your side through thick or thin.

Your Parents Are Interested

You can tell that your relationship is headed towards the right avenue when your parents are equally interested in him as you. They love to hang-out with them and genuinely feel that both of you look great together.

Never Forgets Anniversaries

Not many people remember anniversaries in a relationship. It is usually just a given in a relationship and many couples don't hype it. But, you can count of your partner if they are good at remembering anniversaries and have events planned.

Accepts Flaws

No relationship works without accepting each other's flaws. The perfect relationship is in fact one where both the partners accept each other's flaws and work accordingly to overcome these flaws. A relationship where one partner does not accept the other's flaws would hardly work.

Perfect Gifts

Gifts don't define the love in a relationship, but they surely do show whether the other person knows you or not. A partner who knows what their partner likes and dislikes would give gifts that you would love to have.

Planning Things

Living in the future and enjoying things is way overrated. The most successful relationships are where the couple has all things pertaining to the future already planned out. They can share their plans with each other and don't hurry things.

Friends Love Him/Her

You know you're in a long term commitment when your friends really adore your partner. They love hanging out with him/her and are always motivating you into continuing things into the future. Having your friends support can also be good.

You Trust Each Other

Both of you completely trust each other and nothing comes in between the trust you have for each other. Not even the slightest fear or doubt comes into your mind and you know that the person you love is perfect.

Never Out of Things To Talk About

You're never out of things to talk about and are always sharing stuff, talking about life experiences and giving recommendations to each other. They mean everything to you and you want to discuss everything happening in your life with them.

No Checking Phones

The worst kinds of relationships are where you feel the need to check each other's phones. These relationships are built on mistrust. However, your relationship is clean from such nuisances and you know that there is no need for checking phones.

You Can Cheer Each Other Up

The real test of a relationship is one of the partners is feeling down or depressed. Here, it really matters how the other partner cheers them up and helps them get over the blues. Relationships where partners cheer each other up are the best.

Not Freaked Out

They are not freaked out by the future, but are in fact really optimistic about spending time with you. Relationships where both partners are not afraid of stepping into the future together are the best ones and last for the longest time.

Full of Surprises

The whole relationship is full of surprises and you are always up for surprising each other and making each other happy every day. Your day revolves around your partner and you know for sure that their day also revolves around you.

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