The world is a very diverse place, and the amount of money you have where you live could mean nothing if you go to a different country. Some economics are just less productive than others, which means that goods that may be expensive in your place, could be ten times cheaper. The same goes in reverse for luxury goods - iPhones are usually cheapest in the developed countries, while they are the most expensive in developing nations.
$300,000 is actually not enough to get you ANYTHING in Manhattan. This apartment is just a timeshare place which you can use for less than two months every year. It is almost useless as an asset, and it is a very bad investment.
Reddit users have reported that you can get this vacant lot in San Francisco for $299,000. I'm not really sure we can see much from this picture, so I have no idea whether it is worth it or not. Maybe someone can chip in the comments section!
Now we're getting the places that offer much better value. Valencia is not part of Catalonia, so you're safe from any future secessions Spain may experience. Plus it has 4 bedrooms, a pool and it is only a 5-minute walk from the city center.
I had a friend from Iceland - he likes it there but reported that the wind is everlasting. Not sure if that is a good or bad thing, but this house goes $325,000 which is $25,000 over budget, and a worse value compared to Valencia.
If you like living in the woods and being all alone like in the horror movies, this place is for you. The cost? $287,916, so it is under budget, and has 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. This is by now the largest place on the list, let's see what comes up next!
I cannot pronounce this town's place, but I sure love the house. It costs $298,530 and has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a single kitchen and living room. It also includes a fireplace, large terrace, sauna and an awesome detached garage.
This is where the smart money goes. It is absolutely awesome for $273,000 and it features 3 bedrooms, an awesome pool, great ambient lighting and few other amenities. Plus it's in Bali which is like being in paradise itself.
This house is getting me back to Earth after seeing those photos of the places in Bali and Valencia. This San Diego property costs $263,954 and it includes 4 bedrooms, a single bathroom and an awesome view of the Coronado bridge and Downtown SD.
Montenegro is an awesome sounding name for a country. It reminds of vampires or rich oligarchs. But it just means "black forest" or something like that. This house goes for $305,190 and is near both the beach and the city center.
This house is quite unsettling when compared to the others. It costs slightly over budget at $301,000 and it has 3 bedrooms and a single bathroom. It is not the size that is sad, but the overall look and design of the whole place.
This place costs exactly as the set budget and is part of a closed community with 15 other similar places. It has 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, and 4 other rooms. That is a lot of bathrooms, and I think it would be better advertising If it said what the "other" rooms were about.
I love Greece - the place simply has the best beaches in the world. This place costs $288,545 and is located on one of the better islands on Aegean. It has 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom, which is compensated with an awesome view of the sea and local mountain.
Hong Kong is quite expensive even in comparison to Western standards. For $300,000 you can't live in the skyscrapers, but you can get this 320-square-foot apartment that is located in a more remote part of the city - so it is probably far away.
This place looks very homely and warm. It costs $289,750 and it has 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and the area it is located is better known as El Choco - as in "El Chocolate?" Who knows, but it does sound great, and looks very inspiring.
I've never been to Italy, but it is one my favorite places to visit sometime in the future. This place costs $270,000 and has an excellent view of Lake Como, as well as the surrounding mountains, and sola Comacina Island.