15 Signs That Your Man Has Stopped Loving You

Lifestyle | By Cole Damon | March 29, 2018

Love is something that is seldom found nowadays. We are enveloped by a lot of lust and we keep confusing it for love. This is something that we will never come to terms with and it is indeed a fact to note if your man stops loving you. Let them know if that happens and they will be by your side.

Criticizes Appearance

If your man starts criticizing your appearance then you can tell that they don't love you anymore. This can be applicable especially if they were all praises about your appearance back in the day and have suddenly changed now.

Discussing Your Shortcomings

You can tell that your man is no more in love with you if he discusses your shortcomings while sitting with a group of friends. They don't value your presence in your life anymore and discuss all your flaws everywhere.

Attitude towards Habit

The attitude someone holds towards your habits is representation of how much love they have for you. If they really love you, they would appreciate your habits and will not ridicule them openly. Always get your hints from here.

Paying Attention to Stories

They don't pay attention to your stories. They don't have time to listen to their stories and are always doing what they find productive. They don't like talking to you at all and do things that they like best.

Attitude towards Emotions

The attitude towards your emotions is one think that you can gauge to know how well your man treats you. If your man doesn't treat you well and doesn't love you, they will not value your emotions as they did before.


You can tell by the way your man messages you if they really are in to talking with you. If they flirted a lot back in the day, but don't now, then you can tell that they don't love you anymore and are flirting with someone else.

Doing Favors

While they did a lot of favors for you back in the day, they have suddenly stopped taking favors and don't take favors from you anymore. They are busy doing what they want and don't want to give you the time out from your life.


Before, when they loved you, they would be very jealous if someone flirted with you or stared at you, but now they don't care about that and are just hell bent on being their own way. Nothing concerns them about you anymore.


A man that really cares for you would always be present for you, wherever you want them to. They will know what you want and will do that. If they don't love you, they won't care for you as well.

Gentle Words

Gentle words that they said on a routine basis had a huge impact on you and you love them for pampering. But, they have now stopped saying those words and you don't see the love from them anymore.

No Intimacy

There is no intimacy to your relationship anymore, and even if you guys do go to second base in the bedroom, there is literally no emotion involved. It is just a mere routine and you don't show emotions.

Office Hours

While they were trying their best to come back from office back in the day, they are just hell bent on not giving you your fair share of time. They don't respect the fact that you may be looking out for them at home.

Eating Out

Although both of you went out and had a lot of fun, you barely go out nowadays and there is no fun even when you do go sometimes. You do not respect each other's emotions. And they don't realize your needs.

Date Nights

They don't respect the commitments they make with you and don't give you the time you need. The time they spend with you isn't worth it and even if you go out for a date it is just the food and nothing else.

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