15 Differences Between The Guy You Are Dating And The One You Will Marry

Lifestyle | By Ray Porter | October 16, 2017

When you're in a relationship, it might feel like you and the person you'll with will be together forever. In reality, this is very rarely the case. It can be hard to know if the person you're with is in it for the long haul ,or if you're just in a temporary relationship. Both are fine, but it's important to know whether or not your relationship is serious or just for fun. Here are 15 ways to tell the difference between the guy that you'll marry, and the guy that you'll eventually break up with.


Let's start the comparison here. A guy who isn't in it for the long run will constantly tell you how 'afraid' of commitment he is. The guy you will marry will show you that he's mature and ready for commitments.

The Future

The guy that you'll spend the rest of your life with, will let you know that he's thinking about the future. Someone who will only be with you for a short amount of time, won't spend time or attention making plans for the future that involve the two of you being together.


Someone who isn't serious about a relationship treats the whole thing like it's a game. If he's constantly playing games and being devious, he isn't the right person for you--and probably won't be the person you marry in the end.

He's Happy to Hear From You. Always.

If a guy is interested in you, he'll let you know by making you feel like he's happy to hear from you. If you feel like you're constantly bothering the person you're with, then that relationship isn't built to last.

Is he a Family Man?

If the guy you're with doesn't seem like he'd be good with kids, it might mean he won't be the guy you marry. It is important to be with someone who shows you qualities that let you know he'd

Does he Make You Feel Heard?

If he doesn't make you feel heard, rest assured you won't end up with him. Communication is the most important part of a healthy relationship, and you need to make sure to marry someone who hears what you have to say.


If someone wants you in their life for the long-haul, they'll tell you about their long term ambitions and their hopes and their dreams. A guy who is in it for a temporary relationship probably won't share his abstract hopes for the future.

Treats You Like an Object

The man you'll marry will treat you like so much more than just a sexual object. A guy who is just dating you temporarily, on the other hand, will treat you like an object and simply a way to bring himself sexual satisfaction.

...And is Only Interested in his own Pleasure

This goes hand in hand with the previous point. When he's physically involved in you, he will only care about his own satisfaction if he's not serious about your relationship. If he cares about your needs just as much as his own, he might be a keeper.

Alcohol is Always a Factor

A guy who thinks he's in a temporary relationship will constantly evolve alcohol into the equation. You might only meet him at bars, or he might only call you when he's drunk and feeling lonely. The right guy won't exhibit these behaviors.

He's Willing to Share

A guy who knows how he feels, will put his foot forward and go all in. He'll share the cost of things, and he'll share his things with you. If he keeps his things and his money to himself, it's because he knows he might be on his way out soon.

He Won't Tell You How he Feels

The guy who will only be in your life for a temporary amount of time, probably won't tell you how he feels. He won't confront his feelings, and be upfront about them. The person you'll marry will let you know how much you mean to him.

He Doesn't Make You a Priority

When you're not someone's priority, it is because they aren't as invested in you as they would be if they were in it for the long haul. It can suck to feel like you are not a priority in someone's life.

He Rewards Your Efforts

When you go the distance, you deserve to receive recognition for it. A guy who you'll only date will constantly play games and try to win points. The guy you'll marry will acknowledge your efforts, and appreciate you for what you do.

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