25 Zodiac Matches That Make The Best Couples

Entertainment | By Harriet King | May 23, 2018

Plenty of people dismiss astrology, but are any of us really experts at love? Sometimes it's better to turn to the stars to see if your partner's sign aligns with yours. If you really don't believe it, then there's no harm done! But if you're a little more spiritual, you might like to see if there are any glaring red flags for a potential love. After all, nobody likes being hurt and taken by surprise. #23 is the most physically compatible combination when it comes to love making!

1. Aries & Aquarius

Wow, this is one explosive match! These two signs are known for their adventurous spirits and love for any kind of excitement, which is one of the reasons why they make such a great match. Whether it's out in the world or in the bedroom, Aries and Aquarius love trying new things together, and they always make sure they're having the best time.

Probably one of the best things about these two is the pure fun they have with each other - they rarely ever get bored together. However, if they do happen to need a break, each one understands the importance of having separate friends and some time apart every now and then. Independence is something both parts of this couple respect and need. One thing is for sure: Aries and Aquarius will always operate as a team.

Aries + Aquarius = Firecrackers

Aries is known for being fiery, and sometimes that's exactly what the laid-back Aquarius needs to get them going. In reverse, sometimes Aries needs the calming influence of their chilled out Aquarian counterpart. Either way, both are passionate about being the best versions of themselves and living their lives to the fullest. There couldn't be a better pair to encourage each other to grow as people.

It's not all paradise, cuddles, and romance, though - you can't have all that passion without some kind of pain. These two firecrackers love debating and both will insist that they're always right. This can obviously lead to some pretty crazy arguments, but it's nothing that they can't overcome. In terms of sociability, Aries is more of a homebody, while Aquarius loves spending time with large groups of friends.

2. Taurus & Cancer

Taurus and Cancer have to be one of the sweetest couples of the zodiac. Both are extremely understanding and loyal, and they just really "get" each other. They connect deeply on both a physical and emotional level, which allows them to build a bond that most couples will never experience. It's definitely something that makes others a little jealous!

Both of these signs truly appreciate their partner and all of their good qualities. They also acknowledge their partner's flaws but they love each other anyway. With such understanding attitudes, it's not hard to see why this match is known for maintaining long lasting and loving relationships. It's not uncommon for this pairing to start as high school sweethearts and last all the way into old age together. Loyalty is important to both signs and they'll stick by each other no matter what.

Taurus + Cancer = Homebodies

Another area where these two just seem to click is their shared traditional values. Both are family oriented and believe in working as a team through any rough patches. Bailing out is not an option for this power couple! Taurus and Cancer love being at home together and being around family, which means they barely clash about when it comes to going out and socializing.

That doesn't mean that they don't clash at all. Though this match comes close, no couple is ever truly perfect. In fact, one of their strengths can even turn into a weakness at times. Due to their love of domestic bliss with each other, it's very easy for Taurus and Cancer to stay at home all the time, inside their own little love bubble. This isn't always bad, but independence is important as individuals.

3. Gemini & Aquarius

These fun-loving signs make for a passionate and exciting zodiac match. Gemini and Aquarius are known for their intelligence, and as a couple they continue to push each other to new heights. They're constantly fueling each other's curiosity and they love solving life's little mysteries together. They're also a creative pair that enjoy coming up with new ideas and intricate plans.

In addition to their intelligence connection, Gemini and Aquarius totally get each other on an emotional level. When they first meet, it's almost as though they've known each other forever. It's not unusual for this pair to meet one week and be off on a romantic road trip the next. They both love being spontaneous and having fun is one of their top priorities. They can often make their friends jealous with all of the activities they manage to squeeze into their lives.

Gemini + Aquarius = Freedom Lovers

One of the best things about this match is that both parties value and seek out independence as individuals. They love being together but will also plan solo time for themselves. Everybody knows that absence only makes the heart grow fonder! When these two reunite it's almost like they're falling in love all over again.

Of course, a partnership between two intellectuals that is so fun and spontaneous is bound to have its issues. For Gemini and Aquarius, they struggle to get serious because neither one encourages much stability. When it comes to raising a family, this couple can get into serious trouble, as they both love their freedom and being able to do what they want. Unfortunately, children, as well as other responsibilities such as home ownership and jobs don't always allow for spontaneity.

4. Cancer & Pisces

Watch out everyone, this is a power couple alert! Cancer and Pisces are just one of those couples who fit together so well, and everyone else can see it. One of the reasons for this is that they take the time to get to know each other inside and out. They love everything about each other and knowing more and more only makes them more attracted to their partner. The bond these two signs have is simply undeniable.

Before you go thinking that this sounds like just another boring couple who lose themselves in each other, you can think again. One thing that makes this pair one of the zodiac's best couples is that they both have a strong sense of self, which means they can fall in love without compromising on their own values.

Cancer + Pisces = Complementing Differences

To have everything in common wouldn't create a perfect match like Cancer and Pisces. They are different in the best possible way, because their differences complement each other. For example, Cancer is a known nurturer and caregiver, while Pisces seeks connections with others. These two qualities match up well, as Pisces is willing to be nurtured in order to make a connection with their Cancer.

Though these traits can bring them together, they can often cause a little conflict, too. Cancer's sensible, caregiving nature makes them financially rigid - they love having plenty of money in the bank so they can take care of their loved ones. Whereas Pisces is a bit more spontaneous with cash and loves spending it on socializing and fun. Remember, this is all about making and maintaining connections for them, so they consider it essential spending.

5. Leo & Sagittarius

What an exciting match we have here! Leo and Sagittarius are both some of the most fun-loving and social people you'll ever meet. They love to work the room and their spirit is almost contagious when you spend time with them. You would think two people who are often the life of the party would be a bad idea as a couple, but this definitely isn't the case for this pair.

Both Leo and Sagittarius are highly ambitious and tend to know exactly what they want out of life. Instead of this holding them back as a couple, it actually means they end up achieving their goals more effectively, as they both love cheering their partner to success. They both understand each other's passions and dreams and they actively encourage each other to keep going.

Leo + Sagittarius = Infectious Passion

These two aren't all about ambition, though. Nobody knows how to let their hair down and have a good time like Leo and Sagittarius. They're the type of couple who draw others to them like a magnet, and it's not uncommon for their phones to be beeping and ringing non-stop with invitations for dinner or a party. Their passion for each other is totally infectious and most other couples want to be them.

There are, of course, downsides to every relationship and this couple isn't immune. Leo can often demand too much attention, which can make Sagittarius, who is known for being impatient, a little grumpy. Their playful and passionate lifestyle also means that they can often feel tied down when it comes to raising a family. Both can be partial to spontaneous spending, too, so it's something this couple needs to watch if they want to hold onto their cash.

6. Virgo & Taurus

These two earth signs really show other couples how it's done. They're both pretty chilled out and practical, and they value stability over spontaneity. One of their other core values as a couple is honesty, so you'll never catch them going behind each other's backs. Other people often look to them as an example of what a strong, dedicated relationship should look like.

Virgo and Taurus don't necessarily have a mountain of things in common, but they're devoted to one another and respect each other's differing interests and hobbies. Not only that, they'll support and encourage each other in pursuits that they may not even totally understand. They are each other's cheerleaders in life, which is such a rare thing to find. We love the sound of a partnership that is so steady and supportive!

Virgo + Taurus = Affectionate Cuddlers

Both Virgo and Taurus love their comforts, so you'll always notice them showering each other with gifts and affection to make each other feel good. They're one of those couples that love cuddling up on the couch together, even if their time in the bedroom isn't particularly mind-blowing. Taurus is often the sensible leader with a vision for the future, while Virgo is motivated and more than happy to make that vision a reality.

The biggest shortcoming for this loving pair is that they can both be a little neurotic, which can make for some tense mornings around the house. Though Taurus is a sensible planner, they're often unintentionally bad with money, which can cause pragmatic Virgo to become frustrated. All in all, these are just minor things that won't end up causing the breakdown of the relationship.

7. Libra & Gemini

Imagine going to a ridiculously fun party where everyone you meet is intelligent and sociable, and you'll kind of have an idea of what it's like to be inside a Libra and Gemini partnership. Both are air signs, which means they connect intellectually and provide constant mental stimulation to one another. As far as these two are concerned, the brain is the sexiest part of the body, and they can't get enough of it.

Both signs are also extremely social and love meeting new people and having new conversations. They're the kind of pair who will end up speaking to every single person at the party. Having so much in common means that these two have a strong bond built on understanding what makes their partner tick. This is something that never goes unappreciated in their relationship.

Libra + Gemini = Sensible Intellects

Libra and Gemini are the type of couple who rarely fight. Both hate raising their voices and getting fired up - they'd rather just talk things out calmly and reach a conclusion that they can both agree on. Luckily, they are so similar that there's barely any clashing, unless it's something to do with an intellectual debate they're having.

The part where things can go wrong for this couple is when fast-paced Gemini gets too far ahead of thoughtful and balanced Libra. Libra can also frustrate Gemini with their indecisiveness and messy habits around the house. Although, Gemini hardly helps Libra with decision making - they're the type who generally "doesn't mind either way" which can infuriate Libra. When it comes to living together, these two certainly need a few ground rules if they're going to stay together.

8. Scorpio & Cancer

These sensitive souls go so well together, we don't even know where to begin. Both Scorpio and Cancer are deeply connected to their emotions and are often afraid to feel vulnerable or let anyone into their hearts. But for some reason, this match works and both people feel safe and loved in the relationship. In the case of Scorpio and Cancer, their heightened emotions definitely bring them closer together.

This pair are super devoted and they're often each other's best support system when it comes to all areas of life. They have a lot in common when it comes to morals, which means they're a perfect match if they ever decide to raise a family together. Chances are that they will end up having a few kids, as family is very important to both Scorpio and Cancer.

Scorpio + Cancer = Strong Emotional Connection

These two signs are known for being hesitant to let their guards down. It's something they often hide in front of other people, but with each other they're able to be completely honest about their feelings. This is particularly true if either party has been hurt in a previous relationship - they take a long time to heal and learn to trust again. Luckily, with each other, they can be themselves.

Unfortunately, there are some downsides to strong emotional connections such as the one Scorpio and Cancer share. Both signs can be irrationally jealous and possessive, which often comes down to their difficulty trusting people. What often ensues is marathon talks about feelings, which can be emotionally and physically exhausting for the couple and their relationships. In order for their romance to survive, they'll have to learn to trust each other.

9. Sagittarius & Aries

Uh oh, when two fire signs get together, watch out! Sagittarius and Aries make one ultra-hot couple and it's hard not to notice the passion between them. These two are fully of energy, fun, and desire for each other and they make relationships look easy to anybody observing from the outside. They're not only enthusiastic about each other, they both possess a zest for life that is noticeable to all of their friends.

Sagittarius and Aries do so well together because they're a force to be reckoned with. They tackle problems together and come at any challenges with the full force of their combined energy. Both signs cherish their individual and shared freedom, which is another point of connection for this fiery pair. If you're waiting for this couple to stop being so into each other, you're probably going to be waiting a long time.

Sagittarius + Aries = High Energy

As we've mentioned, freedom is important for Sagittarius and Aries, and that includes freedom from each other, too. Understanding this about their partner brings them even closer together. If you know a couple like this, there's a high chance they won't even put a label on their relationship. They tend to hate the idea of settling down and becoming what they deem as boring.

This couple can have issues if they don't make the most of the high-energy relationship they have. If they sit around resting on their laurels, they'll use the leftover energy and passion to be negative or end up having a huge fight. These two should always be planning new trips, supporting each other's ambitions, trying to be creative, and thinking about the future if they want to thrive as a couple.

10. Capricorn & Taurus

When it comes to chemistry, Capricorn and Taurus have certainly done a lot better than so many other zodiac matches. These two just can't get enough of each other and are completely devoted. They adore each other so much that it has been known to make their family and friends nauseous. You know the type of couple we're talking about. They can't stop touching, they say painfully cute things - it can be hard to watch!

Capricorn and Taurus are just in constant admiration of their partner. They think the world of each other, which is a great basis for mutual respect - something so many other couples don't have enough of. When they can handle all watching all of the sickening displays of affection, most of this couple's friends love being around them because they remind them that love really does exist.

Capricorn + Taurus = Importance In Family

This solid partnership thrives on the stability each of them offer, as well as their shared values of respect, stability, hard work, and tradition. Both Capricorn and Taurus believe in the importance of community and family, so they really bond on some of the key things in life. As far as kids go, this couple will be talking about baby names after dating for only a month. They're both family people who have always dreamed of creating a loving home.

While these two can be so sweet it almost gives you a toothache, they're not exactly a fiery, passionate match. This is all totally fine, but it can lead to a lack of spontaneity and fun in the relationship. Both Capricorn and Taurus need to work on abandoning their well laid plans from time to time so they can have a little fun.

11. Pisces & Scorpio

You know those couples who have such a connection that they finish each other's sentences? That's exactly what Pisces and Scorpio are like when they're together. They have a deep intellectual and emotional connection and seem to just intuitively know not only what the other one is thinking, but what they're feeling, too. This usually makes for a long and successful relationship when the two of them get together.

Pisces and Scorpio don't get to know each other out of courtesy. Both partners have a strong desire to understand one another on a much deeper level than what most couples settle on. They don't just want to know their mind, they want to know their soul. As a result, this ends up producing one of the most caring matches in the zodiac. Where do we sign up?

Pisces + Scorpio = High Level of Respect

Part of the reason why Pisces and Scorpio are so into finding out about each other is because they hold such a high level of respect for their partner. That doesn't mean they're not super-hot in the bedroom together, though. These two have an intense passion that is constantly sizzling between them. They are not the type of couple to hide romantic gestures in public, either. You'll always see them being affectionate where ever they are.

Where could this couple possibly go wrong, we can hear you asking. Like every other couple, Pisces and Scorpio are not indestructible. Both of these signs have a bit of a problem with honesty and sneaking around, so they'll have to make sure they're open with each other about everything if they want to thrive. 'No secrets' is the way forward for these two.

12. Capricorn & Cancer

When it comes to Capricorn and Cancer, it's a match made in heaven. These signs are opposites in the best possible way, always complementing one another. In the areas where they need to agree, they have a lot in common. Could it get much better than that? The bond between these two has the potential to be so long lasting that it's not uncommon to see Capricorn and Cancer couples who have been together since high school.

Cancer is a nurturing sign, while Capricorn likes taking charge and leading. The opposites in nature make them a perfect team when it comes to domestic life. It also provides a whole lot of chemistry between them, too. These two signs both value tradition, so it's no surprise if they're more than happy to take on conventional roles in the home they share.

Capricorn + Cancer = Comfort and Security

Capricorn as an earth sign and cancer as a water sign means that this couple seek out some very similar things in life. Stability, comfort, and security are high on the list of their main priorities. This all makes for the perfect match when it comes to starting a family. With both partners sharing a love of traditional values, it means they rarely disagree when it comes to raising their kids.

Though you don't often find these two sharing any fundamental differences, things have the potential to go south if Cancer feels as though they're nurturing and mothering Capricorn too much. Capricorn has the tendency to take too much if the help is offered and before too long some worrying precedents might be in place. Cancer also needs to let go of some of their selflessness to make sure they get the love and respect they deserve.

13. Leo & Libra

Get ready for the long haul, because Leo and Libra simply stick. Their main qualities bring out the best in each other, which is what any serious couple aspires to. Libra's sensibility and balance stabilizes the dramatic Leo, while Leo's sense of fun and sociability injects some much-needed excitement into life of their sometimes-shy Libra.

One thing is for sure when these two get together: they both really know how to liven a party up. Libra's intelligent, flirty energy, combined with Leo's scene-stealing antics make them one of the best couples to hit the town with. We certainly wouldn't be turning down an invitation from this lively pair. When they're not busy being social butterflies, Leo and Libra can be found making all kinds of ambitious plans together. Whether it's a vacation or buying a house, they always go big.

Leo + Libra = Party Animals With Traditional Values

There's no doubt about it - these two love partying and being social, but at the end of the day, they both share some very traditional values. Leo and Libra are family oriented and generally work really well together as parents. They bring passion to everything that they do, and that includes raising their little ones to become people just as cool as them.

The party can't stay good without effort and this social pair needs to recognize that. Leo and Libra tend to dislike frank discussions with one another and would prefer to keep things light. Unfortunately, that's not how the world works and they'll eventually have to get used to confrontation if they want to survive as a couple. In addition to this, Leo can sometimes get a bit over the top with their attention seeking ways, but it's up to Libra to make sure they rein it in.

14. Virgo & Gemini

If you're part of a Virgo-Gemini relationship, start getting ready to walk down the aisle! These two lovebirds often go all the way and end up getting married. It may have something to do with each sign being ruled by the planet Mercury, which means both love to think, analyze, and discuss anything and everything together.

Virgo and Gemini love being creative and they're constantly exchanging ideas with one another. They both provide the mental stimulation that each sign requires for a happy partnership. It's not just mental stimulation that this couple get right - there's plenty of stimulation in the bedroom, too! Apparently, all of that talking and intellectual stuff eventually leads to passionately ripping each other's clothes off. We're not sure about you guys, but this definitely sounds like a relationship we can get behind.

Virgo + Gemini = Practically Unstoppable

The different qualities of each of these signs allows Virgo and Gemini to thrive together. Geminis are always thinking and talking at a fast pace, while Virgos are motivated executors of ideas. When they combine their talents, they're practically unstoppable. It's not unusual for Gemini to come up with great ideas and for Virgo to make sure they actually happen.

This can also be a bit of a downfall for the couple if they let it. Gemini is likely to abandon projects out of boredom or a desire to move on to the next great thing. Virgos move at a slower pace and enjoy seeing things through before they even consider other plans. This difference in pace can frustrate both signs, but they just need to remember that they're always better when they use their strengths together.

15. Aquarius & Sagittarius

This high-energy couple are a force to be reckoned with. Sociable, fun, and passionate, Aquarius and Sagittarius are such a good match that they're almost like best friends. Both signs have a lot of core values in common, which always makes things a whole lot easier when it comes to staying in happy and in love. These two find it highly pleasurable to be around each other and are constantly learning new things they love about their partner.

One shared interest that Aquarius and Sagittarius prioritize is freedom. They love having the ability to do whatever they want without having to consult anybody, which could cause conflict in any other pairing, but not with these two. They totally get how important it is for each other to be free, so you'll never hear them arguing about it.

Aquarius + Sagittarius = Always Laughing Together

Both of these signs are sociable and love a party. Basically, anything that comes easily and allows them to exercise their freedom is something Aquarius and Sagittarius can get behind. They love just taking life as it comes and they never need to discuss grand plans for the future until they're actually ready to make them happen. These two also have an easy sense of humor with one another and you'll always see them laughing together.

There are a few things that could break this match up if they're not ready for it. The first is their unstructured style of living and being together. Eventually, one will push for commitment and stability and the other one may not be able to say yes. The other downfall is too much individual freedom and not enough shared hopes and dreams as a couple.

16. Aries & Scorpio

When the ram and the scorpion meet, you can bet money on there being plenty of fireworks. This is one fiery hot zodiac match and a force to be reckoned with. As you can imagine, things can get a little explosive between these two passionate signs, but they bring passion to everything they do together, whether it's arguing like crazy or tearing each other's clothes off.

Though most people familiar with the signs of the zodiac wouldn't pick these two signs as a perfect match, there's an undeniable chemistry between them that simply can't be ignored. If Aries and Scorpio meet at a party, you can forget about seeing them for the rest of the night, as they'll remain totally immersed in each other. Both signs also value their privacy, which definitely creates a bond of understanding between them.

Aries + Scorpio = Intense Chemistry

Mars rules the signs of both Aries and Scorpio, which is probably what provides them with the intense sexual chemistry that other couples envy. If used correctly, the differences between these two can really complement each other. For example, Aries can really liven things up for Scorpio with their sense of adventure, while Scorpio can provide a relaxing influence that helps to calm the notorious Aries temper.

There's a lot that could go wrong with this high-energy match. Firstly, both should make sure that there is substance behind all of the sexual attraction. But perhaps their biggest weakness as a couple is stubbornness on both sides and an inability to admit when they're wrong. The fights can be crazy between this couple, but if they both learn to compromise they could really end up going the distance.

17. Pisces & Capricorn

Watch out everybody, we have marriage material on the way here! Pisces and Capricorn are one of those matches that fit together like corn chips and guacamole - both great on their own, but they make each other so better. These two are very different as individuals, but it's these differences that end up complementing each other and making them stronger as a couple.

Who would have thought that stable and serious Capricorn could fall for laid back and whimsical Pisces? As it turns out, a bit of the carefree Pisces attitude tends to work wonders on the occasionally uptight Capricorn. Conversely, Pisces could do with a little motivation and structure that Capricorn is only too happy to provide. See, we told you, it's like corn chips and guacamole when it comes to these two lovebirds.

Pisces + Capricorn = Solid Commitment

Though Pisces can often be the less serious of the two, both of these signs crave consistency and solid commitment in their relationships. This makes them a perfect long-haul couple, as they can always agree on life's biggest decisions, such as buying property, starting businesses together, or raising a family. It's not uncommon for the Pisces and Capricorn match to end up getting married and staying married.

Though a blend of opposing traits is what makes this relationship thrive, it can also become co-dependent if the couple aren't paying attention. In addition to this, freedom-loving, adventure-seeking Pisces can sometimes feel trapped or controlled by dominant and highly organized Capricorn. On the other hand, Capricorn can often become impatient with the Pisces tendency to be a little wishy washy. Once they find a way to skirt these issues, they'll be the ideal couple.

18. Leo & Virgo

For some astrology fans, a Leo and Virgo match seems like a disaster waiting to happen. In reality, these two very different signs can end up being the best thing that ever happened to each other. Most think of Leo as a dramatic attention seeker, but sometimes it's exactly what straight laced Virgo needs to add a little fun to their life. There's nothing like a Leo to liven up a party (or in this case, a relationship).

On the flip side, Virgo's caring and selfless nature can really rub off on Leo, who is known for being a little self-involved at times. Virgo can really help Leo focus on a more purposeful life, which gives them somewhere productive to direct all of that wild energy. We told you they actually make a great pair - now do you believe us?

Leo + Virgo = Always Lifting Each Other Out

These two can really lift each other out of their own ruts. Virgos are known pessimists, and Leo is only too happy to help them see the brighter side of life and positively encourage them in every endeavor. Leo is often dramatic and easily upset, which level-headed and intelligent Virgo can navigate and resolve without any hassle at all.

It's not all fun and games over in the Leo and Virgo camp, though. Both can be major drama queens and this can fuel a lot of disputes between the pair. Leo is also highly sociable and loves big parties, while Virgo prefers intimate gatherings with close friends. When it comes to finance, Leo's carefree spending can stress out sensible and thrifty Virgo, but there are plenty of ways to overcome these issues if they want to go the distance.

19. Libra & Taurus

Romantic relationships between Libra and Taurus are famously peaceful and harmonious. This is mostly due to both signs being ruled by the planet Venus, known for beauty, grace, and love. Both sides of this partnership are warm and charming pleasure seekers who love the finer things in life. It definitely helps when two people can agree on such fundamental things!

When we say they love the finer things, we're not just talking about fancy restaurants, designer clothes, and fast cars. Libra and Taurus love the little things, too, such as a vase of stunning wild flowers or listening to live jazz at their favorite wine bar. Their bond is strong because they love doing all of these things together and it doesn't feel like a compromise. They have an easy way with each other due to their peaceful nature.

Libra + Taurus = Much Needed Steadiness

As an earth sign, Taurus loves stability, security, consistency, and laying down roots somewhere. Libra, as an air sign, couldn't be more opposite and loves moving at a fast pace and coming up with new ways to enjoy life. Fortunately, this usually works out for the best, as Taurus provides Libra with some much-needed steadiness, while Libra injects a little more fun and spontaneity into the life of the sensible Taurus.

Due to their shared love of fancy things, it's easy for a Libra and Taurus relationship to be quite superficial. If all of the nice things were taken away, would there be anything left underneath? This is something both members of the partnership should ask themselves. Libra's social and flirty nature can occasionally enrage the bull, while Libra can often become impatient with Taurus's rigid rules.

20. Sagittarius & Gemini

If you'd prefer to go out with quieter, more reserved friends, don't go inviting a Sagittarius and Gemini couple. They're master communicators and you might find it hard to get a word in with these two sitting at the dinner table. However, if you love an engaging and thought-provoking conversation, you couldn't invite a better pair - they'll keep anybody entertained for the entire night!

As communicators, they go well together. Gemini is the chatterbox who never runs out of things to say, but Sagittarius is the thinker who keeps the conversation thoughtful, meaningful, and structured. With all of the talking, you'd think these two would never make it to the bedroom, but you're totally wrong on this one. All of the intellectual stimulation is likely to turn this couple on as though it was foreplay.

Sagittarius + Gemini = Love To Travel

Gemini and Sagittarius both love to travel, so it can sometimes be hard to get the relationship off the ground when they first start dating. It seems like one of them is always out of town and unavailable for dates! But once things are steady, they'll relish their adventures together as a couple and travel will be one of the things that brings them closer.

It's not just travel that can make things tough for these two. Both signs are extremely social, which means their schedules are fuller than your average Joe's. If they want to survive as a couple, they're going to have to cut back on some travel and activities with friends, otherwise they'll never form a strong connection. It doesn't help that these talkative signs are also known for being flirty, which means it might be hard to pin either one down.

21. Aquarius & Pisces

Get ready to feel the electricity between this charismatic couple. Aquarius and Pisces share so much chemistry together it's hard to ignore. There's no way to explain exactly why these two signs hit it off so well, but we guess that's why they say love is mysterious. The connection between them is so strong and so obvious that it often makes other couples burn with jealousy.

Part of the reason why these two share such a beautiful bond is because they intuitively understand one another. Both signs often identify as a little weird, quirky, or alternative, so they feel particularly united when it comes to personality traits. Aquarius and Pisces are each other's best cheerleaders and they're always supporting each other 100 percent in all of life's opportunities and challenges. Now we're getting kind of jealous!

Aquarius + Pisces = Much In Common

These lovebirds definitely have a lot in common, but they also have enough points of difference to keep their partner curious. Aquarius is logical, scientific, and philosophical when it comes to solving the mysteries of life, whereas Pisces is more spiritual and trusting of the universe. Though their approach to life is very different, it only makes them love each other more.

There's always a downside when it comes to love, and this zodiac match is no different. Aquarius is a known adventurer and seeker of independence, while Pisces can also be hard to pin down due to their whimsical ways and distaste for commitment. Both signs also tend to give too much energy to other people in their lives when they should be saving it for each other. If they can find a way to get past these hurdles, this couple will thrive long term.

22. Aries & Capricorn

Stand back, there's a power couple coming through! And by power couple, we mean two of the most ambitious people you'll ever meet combined into one intimidating entity. These strong personalities can go surprisingly well together if they work as a team, even though they're both leaders who love to dominate every situation.

Though they both possess strong characteristics, these two signs are still quite different. Capricorn is stable, reliable, and loyal, while Aries is fiery, stubborn, and bold. This works well for both parties, as Aries craves security in their relationships and Capricorn needs the strong and feisty influence of Aries in order to loosen up a little from time to time. Aries brings exciting, spontaneous energy to the party, but Capricorn is there to keep it in check if things get out of hand.

Aries + Capricorn = Strong Confidence

It's not uncommon for Aries and Capricorn couples to decide to go into business together. Their strong personalities and attractive confidence make them the perfect team, who are likely to succeed at anything. Don't go thinking it's all work and no play for this dedicated duo. Rumor has it that these two get pretty wild in the bedroom when they finish work for the day.

This is one zodiac match that can become quite volatile if both partners don't keep an eye on each other. Aries is notorious for having an out of control temper, and tantrums are not off the cards, even as a grown adult. This can make Capricorn impatient and put great stress on the relationship. Capricorn also needs to make sure they're not being a doormat when it comes to their partner's sometimes-childish demands.

23. Scorpio & Leo

Anyone who has been part of a Scorpio and Leo partnership will tell you it's quite the wild ride. Both of these signs carry themselves with a lot of confidence, which can either be a major turn on or a downhill slope for this feisty pair. The best part is that despite everything, this couple understands each other like nobody else in their lives does, so they often make a great team.

If both of these signs encourage their partner and allow each other's confidence to grow, they could end up with a relationship that will last until their dying days. Both Scorpio and Leo love being reassured about their greatness, even though they act like they already have all of the confidence they need. These two make a highly engaging pair when they hit the town together and most other people find themselves drawn in by their energy.

Scorpio + Leo = Spicy Duo

With all of that confidence, energy, and love of control circulating around, this spicy duo needs to let off some steam somewhere. Scorpio and Leo reportedly have some of the best sexual chemistry in the zodiac, which is why they often find it hard to leave the bedroom when they're together. We certainly wouldn't mind a bit of that!

It's really not hard to see where these strong personalities can go wrong. It's not uncommon for Scorpio and Leo partnerships to end up in a power struggle, as both love leading and being in control. This problem is only multiplied if the two of them decide to have a family together. The only way for them to survive as a couple is to make some ground rules and figure out how to get past their struggle for power.

24. Libra & Virgo

Libra and Virgo are one of the sweetest zodiac matches you could ever make. They're sensitive, practical, and caring, and these qualities are only multiplied when they're in a romantic relationship. Though they're sensitive souls, there's rarely any insecurity when these two hook up. They're both laid back and trusting when it comes to their partner.

One area where Libra and Virgo really connect is arts, food, and culture. You're likely to find them at a gallery opening, followed by a delicious dinner at one of the city's hottest new restaurants. If they're feeling up to it, they'll be hitting up an artisanal cocktail bar, too. All of their friends know they can go to them for the best recommendations on where to eat and drink, because they're always out having an amazing time together. And they both have great taste.

Libra + Virgo = Carefree Life

It's not just social activities that these two love doing. They both enjoy books, music, and exercise, too. But nothing super strenuous - you'll find them on a walking trail or at a yoga studio before you see them running marathons. All in all, Libra and Virgo have a pretty happy and carefree life together. This is especially true if they're lucky enough to live in a city with all of their favorite things.

The main thing bringing down this adorable match is the fact that they do tend to lack a bit of romantic and sexual chemistry together. They have a lot of the same interests and hobbies, but it doesn't seem to translate in the bedroom. If this couple wants to thrive they're going to have to have an open discussion about keeping the romance alive.

25. Cancer & Gemini

They might seem like a bit of a strange match at first, but if the conditions are right, this dynamic duo could definitely have wedding bells in their future. One thing is for sure - there's never a dull moment between multi-personality Gemini and moody Cancer. Though it sounds like a problem, the ever-changing atmosphere between this pair keeps things fresh and exciting and makes them more likely to go the distance as a serious couple.

Talkative Gemini complements sensitive and thoughtful Cancer because they're never competing for air time or attention with each other. Gemini is confident and trusting, which allows the occasionally shy and suspicious Cancer come out of their shell and relax more. Conversely, Cancer's deep connection with their own emotions is a good influence on Gemini, who will benefit from some thoughtful reflection.

Cancer + Gemini = Constantly Teaching Each Other

This couple works well together because they're constantly teaching each other how to grow as people. Gemini will teach Cancer how to lighten up a little, take a joke, and enjoy the company of others, while Cancer will teach Gemini how to calm down, connect with their own feelings, and take life more seriously when it's required.

We're not going to lie - there's a lot that could go wrong when it comes to this relationship. Gemini's flirtatious behavior, large circle of friends, and constant need to socialize can make Cancer feel like they're being left out in the cold. On the other hand, Gemini can often become impatient with Cancer's desire to spend a lot of time at home. To thrive as a couple, these two will have to reach a compromise about their differing social calendars.



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