25 Not-So-Popular Jobs That Will Pay You 6 Figures a Year

Lifestyle | By Julio Childress | July 15, 2018

We all want to make money. Some of us want to do that without working a minute in our lives. Good luck with that. Let me know how it works out. Most of us are happy to work though, and everyone is always looking for the best job to make the most money.

The thing is that the best job is not always the one that makes the most money, and the job that makes the most money isn't always the best job. That's just the truth of working in this world. We're all trying to manage what works best in our lives.

One thing that will dictate what job someone chooses is whether or not it has prestige. To put it simply, is it a loser job? A loser job would be one that people tend to look down upon. Does that mean these jobs actually make a loser? Not at all, and hopefully this article turns around some of the misconceptions with these jobs.

1. Longshoreman

Being a longshoreman is a job that doesn't require any kind of degree, but it can land you some big bucks. Longshoreman are the men and women who load and unload shipping crates at the docks, so if you're afraid of water, don't worry. It's not like you're out on a boat. All you have to do is hang out on the docks - well, that and do grueling labor. A little hard work never killed anyone, and let's face it, no matter where you work if you want to make a lot of money you better work hard.

What kind of money are we talking about? We're talking about anywhere between seventy thousand dollars and two-hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Of course that's if you crawl up the food chain, but where in life are you not trying to crawl up the food chain? The job pays between $70,000 to $120,000 per year and there's not a lot of stress involved. A foreman can make up to $250,000.

Longshoreman - Downsides

There are some downsides to being a longshoreman, like danger and possible criminal activity. For one, you're dealing with gian crates and heavy machinery. It's not exactly a safe place to be, but that's exactly why the money is so good. If you're just sitting at a desk taking customer calls, you won't be making the same money as when a two ton crate is hanging over your head. That's just the truth of it all.

Along with the fear of inherently dangerous working conditions, there's also the fear of criminal activity. Anytime you're dealing with a large amount of imported goods, you could run into trouble. Though, I don't believe it's anything like what we see in the movies. There are no Russian terrorists holding secret meetings at the shipyards, waiting for their biological weapons.

2. Luggage Concierge at the Airport

The luggage concierge at the airport is the person who checks your luggage, whether there's a fee associated with that or you're riding on an airline that includes checked bags. Now, if you're like me and you travel with all of your clothes rolled in a backpack, you might not see the utility in this position, but that's not true for all travelers, especially travelers traveling across large distances. If you're carrying tons of bags, and especially bags with delicate articles in them like guns or medical equipment, a luggage concierge is invaluable, and that's where the money comes in.

A luggage concierge may not make a great hourly rate, however, what they don't make hourly they can make up for in tips. This may seem like a ludicrous idea, but when you consider people who are flying with specific requests, you can see where tipping comes in. Luggage Concierge's can make between $75,000 to $100,000 in tips per year.

Luggage Concierge - Tips Galore

Yes, a luggage concierge can be tipped, which is where the real money is. Let's just say that people with demanding requests usually have demanding money. They've learned that money talks, so throwing an extra hundred at the concierge to ensure that your bag makes it safely on the plane is worth the money. That kind of money adds up, and it isn't too bad of a job considering you're already getting paid to ensure people's requests are taken care of.

Of course this isn't a blanket true statement. If you find yourself working at an airport or airline that isn't busy, you may not make the same money, but that's also true for someone working as a bartender at a bar. If you're looking to work in the airline industry, this may be a better bet than the more illustrious positions like being a pilot.

3. Diving for Golf Balls

A lot of you may be reading that and wondering if there has been a mistake. No, I've said it correctly. You can make good money diving for golf balls. There are a lot of very cool benefits to diving for golf balls for a job, including adventure, no need for a degree, good money, and helping the environment, but first you have to understand where this industry even comes from, because it's certainly not a normal job. A golf ball diver makes $100,000 per year diving into the water and grabbing all the lost golf balls that lie on the ocean, lake, or swamp floor.

Every years millions of golf balls are lost to water hazards. It's just a natural part of the game. As much as no one wants to lose the fifty cents or a dollar on a golf ball, they also don't want to chase after their golf balls. They're never going to do that so they just get lost forever. Then they have to go buy more brand new golf balls.

Diving for Golf balls - Dangerous?

That's where golf ball divers come in. They retrieve the used golf balls to sell them back to golfers, creating a second market for people who are OK with reusing their golf balls. It takes a certain tenacity to do it, because just like any self-employment, no one is going to pay you if you don't catch any balls, but if you can pull it off, it's basically free money. On top of that, you're saving the environment by recycling. Who knew you could be a hero and make money?

It can be dangerous since golf course water hazards can have creatures in them, and anytime you're going underwater there is room for danger. If you don't believe how lucrative this can be, check out the reality show that's based on people who do this exact same thing.

4. Fixing Elevators

You know how you always see those notices in elevators that say if something were to happen to the elevator you should call the mechanic whose number is listed? We're talking about the person who you would call. Elevators aren't just rooms on a string. They are complex machines that need complex problem solving when they break. That's why an elevator technician makes so much money - around one hundred thousand dollars a year.

It can be a tough industry to break into since you need to be generally good at fixing things. It's not a simple, one process fits all type of job. You need to be incredibly good at fixing machinery (both analog and digital) and great at problem solving, which isn't exactly something you can get a diploma for that instantly gets you a job. The job must be earned.

Fixing Elevators - No Degree Required

The great thing about this job is that you don't need a degree, so while it may pay slightly less than some jobs that require a degree, this job doesn't require money spent on schooling. That's something to consider. If you had a choice between being paid one hundred thousand dollars a year or one hundred and ten thousand dollars a year while paying off student loans, you'd be better off with the one hundred thousand dollars.

Since this pays so well, I wonder how often elevators are breaking down. I've never been in a broken down elevator, so it can't be that often. If there is one truth in the world though, it's that machines will break. If you ask me, that means that if you're good at fixing machines, you'll always be able to find work.

5. New York City Hot Dog Cart

I know what you're thinking when you read that New York City hot dog cart is in a list of six-figure jobs. First you're thinking, "how is that possible?" Then you're thinking, "wow, a hot dog sounds delicious right about now. Where can I get one?" As you can see, the second question answers the first question. People simply love hot dogs, and they love convenience. When you put those two things together, you have a money maker. Considering this can be an individual enterprise, you're talking about a lot of take home money.

While something like a professional chef or a line cook might seem more respectable than a hot dog vendor, that's just bigoted thinking. It's also incorrectly bigoted considering that hot dog vendors can make even more than a line cook or chef. Hot dog vendors all throughout the US bring in about $100,000 annually. Hot dog vendors in a high-traffic location during a weekend celebration will bring in an average of $1,200 in 2-3 days.

New York City Hot Dog Cart - Permits

We're talking about a profession that has been around for centuries - selling food on the street. It's the American dream, in fact, which is what is so amazing about it being a six-figure job. It's important to consider the fact that if you're the hired hand of a cart/truck, you will most likely not make this kind of money. You'll need to be the proprietor, but that only makes sense. Risk increases reward.

There is the problem of permits. You need to have proper permits depending on where you sell, and you may have to pay higher taxes as a business. All that's generally true of most businesses, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. If you handle your business right, you will be able to pay any fees or taxes and still make plenty of money.

6. Plumber

Unfortunately plumbers get a bad reputation for very silly reasons, like the infamous plumbers crack, but it's a noble, necessary, and respectable position that shouldn't be looked down on at all. While a master plumber will make a minimum of $50,000, many will make up to $90,000-100,000 yearly.

There's been a general shift away from blue collar skilled labor ever since the seventies. This is a shame considering those jobs are not only necessary for a thriving society, they also pay very well, allowing even those without degrees to make a living. Speaking of degrees, there's a great argument for entering the workforce and learning a skill opposed to incurring massive debt. Plumbing is a great example of this. That's not to say that everyone who goes to college incurs massive, crippling debt, or that they won't find a job to compensate for that, but it is still something to consider when plotting out your life path.

Plumber - No Degree Required

The great thing about becoming a plumber is that it doesn't require a degree, although it does require training. Unlike student teaching though, for example, you actually get paid for your training. A paid apprenticeship, if you will. That's a sweet deal, even if you have to mess with some nasty stuff. Again, no one is going to pay you lots of money to play with puppies. That's just not a thing. If you want to make money, it requires work.

I don't think it should be any surprise that plumbers make good money. When's the last time you were excited to call a plumber? It usually means dropping big bucks. If a plumber can get a contract with a building or a restaurant, they could be set for quite a while with repeat business.

7. Bartending

No one knows how much bartenders make more than me. I spend plenty with them and tip well enough to figure that they must be doing pretty well. I never figured they were doing six figures well, but again, it's not surprising. It's not unusual to see an old, career bartender who has made a very good living at the craft. The thing is that it's not for everyone. Not everyone can handle the intensity and hard work of being a bartender.

Tips are where you're going to find your real money, and to get good tips you need to not only be good at making the drinks, but also good at interpersonal skills. People need to like you, and it needs to seem like you like them. That's definitely not a skill everyone has. The tip and wage take home payroll can be anywhere from $45,000 to $73,000. It's even possible to bring in $100,000 per year.

Bartending - Varies on Location

This is a job that will vary depending on where you work. Let's not pretend like a small bar in the middle of the mountains in Mississippi is going to make the same money that a bar in downtown Los Angeles does, especially if they serve twenty seven dollar drinks. There's that to consider, but its a job that doesn't require any specialized skill other than making drinks. Although no degree is required, there are some barrier to entry with this career.

There are bartending schools that will teach you how to bartend and also find you job placement, but there's no guarantee, and like a degree, you're basically paying for the education. The costs are very low, though they are something to consider. Many bartenders have gotten jobs in the industry without attending a bartending school, so fret not if that's not an option you'd want to pursue.

8. General Contractor

This is a position that is definitely easier said than done. That should instantly lift it out of the "loser job" category, but those are the judgements were dealing with. How about we focus on what really matters: cold, hard cash. General Contractor work is about as blue collar as it gets, so certainly it won't be for everyone. Besides needing to be physically capable, there's also a plethora of skills that are required, which is why this is a job that pays very well. You're paying for the knowledge and skill that you don't have.

A General Contractor can take on whichever jobs are suited to their skill set, but they usually require many different types of skills. They aren't necessarily the skills you can get in a classroom. These are applied skills, which is why they can get away with a high hourly. On average, a contractor will make well over $50,000 per year and some can make over $100,000 depending on the contract and experience. If you work up to a construction management position, you can clear over $150,000 per year.

General Contractor - Self-Employed

Beyond just the skills for the job, a General Contractor is also often self-employed, which means there's an entire other set of skills they must know, like marketing, interpersonal communication, and basic organization. If you can't constantly grow your business, then you'll be dead in the water. It's as much about getting the jobs as it is doing the jobs. It's not that those skills are impossible or hard to learn, so that's the good news. The bad news is that this isn't easy money.

I've known many contractors throughout my life and they are usually the guys who buy a house at an early age and do pretty well for themselves. They've got a four year head start on anyone going to college, and that's if you can get out of college in four years. Just remember that you may need to buy a truck and equipment, so what you save on school books you pay for somewhere else.

9. Oil Rig Worker

I had a friend with a scrawny little brother. He was a really little guy, and he didn't' have much going for him, meaning that if he hung around he'd end up getting in trouble, and no business was eager to take him on. That's when he became an oil rig worker. Note that I'm not saying that all oil rig workers are troubled men without much going for them, but this was his story. He came back after his first job and he had forty pounds of more muscle on him. His attitude was completely different as well.

They straightened him up out there. On top of all of that, the guy had enough money to feel like a real contributing member of society. Making good money and putting in a hard day's work can change even the most rotten of scoundrels. Within the oil sector, people working on the rigs make close to $100,000. Geologists make a little bit more than that but they also had to go to attend higher education.

Oil Rig Worker - Not an Easy Job

A job on the oil rig is no easy job, but it sure does pay well. As well it should. Oil rig workers need to live on the oil rig for large periods of time, doing incredibly dangerous and dirty work. Whenever you're being pulled away from your family or life, the job will pay well. It's also intermittent work, so you're not out on the rig forever. You get periods where you're not working at all while you wait for the next job.

The biggest consideration is the one towards safety. The injury rate is incredibly high, and that includes fatal injuries. It's a little hard to walk into a job when you know that getting seriously injured is an inevitability. Some people can not only deal with that, but they also thrive in it. Maybe not in the way where they're excited to get hurt, but that deep down the danger is exciting.

10. Cargo Loader

There's big money in shipping items across the country or globe. People know it's not cheap, so they're willing to spend a lot of money to get their items where they need to go. Not to mention companies whose whole business is the shipping of their goods to different places. It's not surprise that the job of cargo loader, although not prestigious, would pay a lot. There's vast amounts of money at stake every day as items are shipped. One missed shipment could mean incalculable costs now and into the future. Cargo loaders are trusted, and paid for, that responsibility.

A cargo loader can make anywhere between seventy thousand dollars a year to five hundred thousand dollars a year for a foreman. You're probably looking at more around seventy thousand dollars to one-hundred and fifty thousand dollars, but that's still very good.

Cargo Loader - Research Required

You'll need to do some work to get into the job though, since it requires that you either know someone in the business, or you get into the union on the ground floor. That means that you won't be making the big bucks right away, but you'll definitely be making a living wage at least. I'm a big proponent of any job with a union because they will protect your wages. Be good to the union, and the union will be good to you.

There are many different places to work other than an airport as a cargo loader. You can work on the coasts loading cargo for bigger shipments which is actually where the money is. If this is a job you're interested in, I would consider moving to the East coast where all the real action is.

11. Skycap

A Skycap is an airport porter with some duties similar to an airport concierge, though a skycap will have a wider breadth of duties. If you've ever been lost or had a question in an airport, and let's face it, you most likely have, a skycap is the person you want to find. They are in plenty abundance around the airport, telling you where to go for security, assisting you with rental cars, and helping you with any other possible issue at the airport. Let's face it, there are a lot of issues at the airport, so this is a very important job. If this job disappeared, so many people would be utterly confused. The airport wouldn't function.

What does it mean when you're an invaluable part of the flying process? It means big tips if you can help assist people with their problems. Waiters and waitresses can be paid two to three dollars per hour which is what the skycap also get. The difference comes in tips, the skycap can make between $75,000 to $100,000 per year in tips alone.

Skycap - Tips Galore

Tips are where you're going to make the most of your money with the job of skycap. Think about it. For the customer, it looks like you're going above and beyond the call of duty whenever you help them, even though it's simply your job. Travelers are often feel guilty for having complicated or foolish sounding requests, which means they'll tip you good for making them feel comfortable after asking, and then actually helping them.

The hourly rate won't be so good, and you will have to be great at customer service, but that's not so bad. You have to do the same thing when you work at Starbucks but the tips won't be half as good. Might as well put all that energy in a place where you could take home six figures after tips.

12. Taxi Driver

When I tell you that Taxi Drivers make good money, I'm not talking about being Robert Deniro in the movie Taxi Driver. Sorry to break it to you, but that movie likely didn't pay super well. It was the 70s after all. I'm talking about the classic job of taxi driver. It's a profession as old as cars themselves, and even older if you're talking about taxi drivers who used to drive horse and buggies, though would you call them taxi drivers?

Believe it or not, even with competition from ride sharing services and from the foreboding threat of self driving cars, taxi drivers can make six figures. They have to work very hard to make that six figures, but you can't say that for every job. Some jobs simply will never make you six figures no matter how hard you work.

Taxi Driver - High Risk High Reward

Like some of these other jobs, it's important to note that this is an entrepreneurial choice. You take some risk by being a cabby, such as securing your car and outfitting it with all the necessary devices and comforts. On top of that you do have to worry about maintaining the car. If anything were to go wrong with it, then you will be out of a job. Most people don't want to take that risk, which is where all the rewards come from.

This is a job that is in flux due to ride sharing, so that is something to consider. It's always a little scary to enter an industry that is actively dying, but you never know what may happen with ride sharing. If you don't mind being stuck in a car, dealing with strangers in close quarters, then this may be your ticket to six figures.

13. Photojournalist

Photographer seems like an easy job. You get a camera - hell, we all have one on our phones - and you point and shoot. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but it's not quite that easy though it will earn you some good money. The difference between a simple photographer (no disrespect there) and a photojournalist is that a photojournalist's job is to record specific historical events, versus recording moments from a wedding. The world at large could care less about your wedding, but the world at large does care about active wars or crisis.

For that reason, being a photojournalist can be very dangerous if you are tasked with taking pictures in a dangerous area, but risk equals reward. If you're a good photojournalist in a war zone, your salary will be plenty high. Even if you're not doing big-bucks photojournalism shoots, there are other ways to ensure you make your six figures each year.

Photojournalist - Side Jobs

The average photojournalist can make around forty five thousand dollars a year, which isn't an insane amount, but that's just salaried work on the low end. If you're a good photographer then you can always work on the side as well. That's an applicable skill, and as your prestige grows, you can charge even more for your pictures since your name has value, and you'll easily be making 6 figures yearly.

I want to reiterate that just because you may own a camera and take pictures with it doesn't make you a photographer or photojournalist. That's like saying that since you can stand on a skateboard that you're a skateboarder. What's going to happen when you try to go down a ramp? You'll have to build the required skills to get into the money game, but that's going to be true for any of these.

14. Welder

Being a welder looks like a very rough looking job, but don't let that deter you from making the big bucks. Then again, if wearing a large suit and holding a bright, burning hot light scares you, then maybe you should skip it all together. This is one of the most manly jobs around, so you better be up to the task whether you're a man or a woman. You may end up sweat-soaked by the end of the day, but there's no shame in that when you're making the same amount of money as someone working a high-powers, degree-needing desk job.

Many welders only have to work for a few months on high paying jobs, and then they take the rest of the year off. Either that or they may be set up to constantly travel for parts of the year, which can be fun if that fits your personality.

Welder - Different Types

I'll take any job where you don't need to work year-round. That should be everyone's goal. It just goes to show you how much the job pays, and how in demand welders are. In fact, there are many different levels of welding that you can get into like war time welding and underwater welding, both which pay incredibly well.

War time welders will go into war zones and fix piping and equipment, but don't worry, the risk of being killed is low. No one is going to force you to fight, nor will you be in active war zones. Underwater welders can make a week's pay in a day, which makes sense because it takes several different skills to be a successful underwater welder. If you have a good reputation, people will hunt you down for work. The underwater welders normally charge over $1,000 a day for their services. Traveling industrial pipe welders get between $50,000.00 and $185,000.00 a year. The military support welders get $160,000.00 a year in some regions like the Middle East.

15. Selling Dog Goggles

First off, loser job is a harsh title anyway, but I know many dog lovers who would call selling dog goggles anything but a loser job. You get to work with dogs, after all, though that might be a bit of a misconception. It's not like you play with puppies all day. At the end of the day this is a simple sales job in a very specific market. Dog and pet supplies are a huge market, but when is the last time you went shopping for dog goggles?

It's a very specific market since dogs have such unusual heads. You can't simply modify human goggles. The goggles must fit specifically to the dog, and let's face it, many companies haven't been eager to jump into that market, understandably. At $80 a pair for the goggles, some are already selling 100 to 150 goggles per month. This takes them to six-figure earnings per year. Who needs that extra education if you can make such kind of money.

Selling Dog Goggles - High Demand

Fifty or a hundred dollars might seem like a lot to spend on dog goggles - any amount may seem like a lot to spend on dog goggles, but that's the time we're living in. We have enough wealth to buy these things, and we care about our dogs enough to do it. As weird as it is, now is the time to jump into the business. People are still excited about it, and it hasn't been over saturated.

This goes to show you that sales isn't a bad job at all, and as long as you find the right thing to sell at the right time, you can make a great living. We're in a consumer culture, so being able to sell something is one of the few truths in this world. If it's not dog goggles, maybe it'll be something else you sell.

16. Performance and Theatrical Makeup Artist

I know for a fact that this job pays very well because I have many friends who are performance and theatrical makeup artists. I've even paid them for some work before and they weren't cheap. If you want a professional production, you have to hire them. It's that simple. With that kind of demand comes some very high wages. You do have to consider that you have to buy your own makeup, but that is often considered in the rate, or it's negotiated in the budget if something like heavy prosthetics are needed. Those things are not cheap, and they can take hours to apply.

The best places to work will be the East and West coast, though there are productions all over the United States. Still, you won't find quite the work you will on the coasts, though that means competition is also higher. The best ones can charge a great deal for their services, and those in the top 10% earn about $122,000 a year.

Performance and Theatrical Makeup Artist - Working With Celebrities

Some celebrities will hire a specific makeup artists for all of their shoots. I'm talking about huge stars like Tom Cruise or Kurt Russell. In fact, Kurt Russell has been with the same makeup artist for decades. In Guardians of the Galaxy 2 there are de-aging effects on him, most of which were accomplished with the help of practical makeup from his personal makeup artist. Let's not pretend like that makeup artist isn't make big bucks.

One unfortunate aspect of this job is how you break in. You can either take classes to get a certification, which you may have to do if you're working with effects opposed to just simple makeup, but that certification may not guarantee jobs. Most people have to work for free to start their career and get credits. That also means using your own makeup for free.

17. Broadcast News Analyst

Certainly we've seen the news change over the years compared to the Ted Koppel days, but that has only meant that the thirst for entertaining broadcast news analyst is in even higher demand. The broadcast news analysts job is to read and interpret the news. That seems like it should be easy work, but to actually deliver it in a way that is engaging is where this becomes so difficult. Not everyone has the qualities it takes to read off a teleprompter and not look like a total fool or make audiences lose interest. That's a good argument for a broadcast news analyst making good money.

These professionals may earn an annual wage of nearly $90 000, but some positions are obviously paid better than others. The highest demand for Broadcast News Analysts is currently in Washington. Those located in Oklahoma seem to earn the most at an average of $93,000, with Arizona and Colorado following closely behind.

Broadcast News Analyst - Downsides

A major downside to being a broadcast news analyst is also a major upside. You come into the public eye. That's a double edged sword because it means people love you, but it also means people hate you. Funny how that works, right? Whenever someone is in the public eye, there is bound to be criticisms drawn on them. Sometimes those criticisms are fair and part of the job, other times they are less relevant and can be hurtful.

Don't think that this is just a cushy job that anyone with a pretty face and smooth voice can do. You'll need a bachelors degree for most of these jobs, or at the very least lots of training and interest in journalism. These aren't dumb models turned news anchors. These are true journalists that have worked hard to get on the desk.

18. Celebrity Agent

Being a celebrity agent can be more lucrative than being a celebrity, but it does require a certain tenacity and a very specific personality type. People who go into the business of being celebrity agents are very social people. They are the people who can go into a room, meet everyone and set up future meetings before you've even tried the guacamole. It's not the celebrity's job to hustle for work and be personable. It's the celebrity's job to perform. That's why it's so crucial to have an agent.

Agents make anywhere between ten and twenty percent of their talent's earnings. That's because they are the ones that find the work for their people. If you're a celebrity who doesn't want to give away part of their paycheck, then you better find the work on your own.

Celebrity Agent - Risks

There are risks involved with this job, though it's nowhere near the risks that are involved with a job like welding. The problem is that you are often tied to the celebrities that you manage. If one of them does something bad, like in the case of Louis CK, it's not only the celebrity that goes down, but often the agent too. Not only do they lose revenue from their celebrity not being a hot commodity anymore, they also become a pariah themselves. Whether or not that's right doesn't matter. It's just the truth of the situation.

In Hollywood you're more likely to make money off of actors than from being an actor. This is a prime example of that. If you feel like coming to Hollywood, try teaching acting classes. You'll make money much quicker than you will from being an actor.

19. Technical Writer

Have you ever purchased a new device or product and opened up the giant instruction manual and wondered who wrote that? It seems like the job for a robot, even though that doesn't make any sense. A robot would need to be programmed to know what to write, which would be just as hard to write the actual content. That means there is a real life human writing those long, boring technical manuals. Sure, they are extremely useful and necessary, but they are certainly nowhere near "fun" writing.

It's a job in high demand that offers a great wage. For all you aspiring writers out there, no one is going to pay you to write about dragons like you love doing. They are going to pay you to write things that you hate to write about. That's just the truth.

Technical Writer - Requires Understanding

You'd think writing would be an easy task. Look at me now. I'm doing it right now, and it isn't that hard. The thing is, technical writing is very hard. To be able to clearly explain something is difficult, and not in a fun way. It's difficult in the way that makes you wonder what you're doing with your life. It requires an understanding of the product you're using, so think about it this way. If you think reading those technical manuals is hard, imagine what the technical manual writer has to read to figure out what to write about.

Luckily job security is high in this field. Unlike a profession like taxi driving, technical writing is not going away any time soon. Even with advances in AI, we still require a human to write these instructions out so that they are effective.

20. Gaming Manager

Who knew you could make money in a casino? That's a crazy idea that I've never heard of. Of course I'm being very sarcastic because of the fact that everyone associates casinos with money. I'm not talking about being a professional poker player though. I'm talking about being a part of the inner workings of the casino. It only makes sense that there is money to be made in the casinos no matter what. If you're a bartender or waitress you're going to make some really great tips, but that's not the position we're talking about here. We're talking about the gaming manager.

A gaming manager is essentially the manager of the casino in terms of games, odds, payouts and all other things associated with the gaming aspect of the place. You won't find a gaming manager worrying about the shrimp cocktail.

Gaming Manager - Huge Salaries

A gaming manager can make upwards of one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars a year on average. That's nothing to complain about, except for maybe when you're coughing up smoke from your smokers-allowed casino. Luckily this isn't the 70s where the mobs rules the casinos with an iron fist either. You may not see every dime of that one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars a year.

As far as getting into the business, that could be difficult. There are extensive background checks done on the people who work for the casino even at the lowest level. If you're going to be responsible for handling the gaming operations, you need to be trustworthy to the company. If you have a theft on your criminal record, you're not going to be seeing yourself as the gaming manager any time in the future.

21. Optometrist

The optometrist holds a special spot in all of our hearts. Out of all the doctors in the world, an optometrist is the one you want to see. No one is ever scared about going to the optometrist. Sure, it's annoying like running any other errand, but it's nothing like going to the dentist or the doctor. You go to the dentist and you know you're going to go through horrible pain. You go to the doctor and you might be told that you're dying. What's the worst that'll happen when you go to the optometrist? He'll say you're going blind, but that won't come as a surprise. You can see out of your own eyes after all.

That's not why optometrists get paid the big bucks, but it certainly is an added benefit, isn't it?

Optometrist - Painless

The optometrist holds a special spot in all of our hearts, even if they aren't the most respected doctors. Out of all the doctors in the world, an optometrist is the one you want to see. No one is ever scared about going to the optometrist. Sure, it's annoying like running any other errand, but it's nothing like going to the dentist or the doctor. You go to the dentist and you know you're going to go through horrible pain. You go to the doctor and you might be told that you're dying. What's the worst that'll happen when you go to the optometrist? He'll say you're going blind, but that won't come as a surprise. You can see out of your own eyes after all.

There are many different options for optometrists that range from starting your own practice to working with a large company. If you wanted to forgo the risk of starting your own practice, that's perfectly fine and there are plenty of opportunities to do so. Here's the one catch though. You're going to need good eyesight. It doesn't make much sense for your optometrist to have bad eyes.

22. Radiologist

I'm going to warn you now that I'm going to throw out the average salary that a radiologist makes and it might shock you. It will shock you in the way that you'll instantly look into how you can become a radiologist. It's that type of money. Quite honestly, nothing has even come close to this salary amount, but we'll discuss why that could be a downside too. Now, let me give you the number. A radiologist, on average, makes three hundred and sixty five thousand dollars a year. That's yacht money, folks!

The catch is that radiology requires schooling. That schooling is going to cut into that yearly salary and it will take some time, but at that salary you can easily make that money back after working for a couple of years. That means you can still get your yacht.

Radiologist - Schooling and Training

There are many different medical situations and injuries that require a radiologist, and it is one of our most crucial technologies for assessing injury. That means job security is fairly high. As far as being in a high paying medical field, this is a great path for those who can't see themselves sticking anyone with a needle, or performing heart surgery. That isn't to say being a radiologist is easy, but you won't be cutting into anyone's skin.

First you'll need to go to medical school, but then you'll need to do four years of radiology training. That's quite a bit of schooling but it's what's necessary when your job is to not only use expensive equipment but also to assess the photographs taken. A radiologist is no good if they can't assess the images they take.

23. Real Estate Agent

We all have that one friend from high school who became a real estate agent. No one knew what that person would end up doing with their lives and then they follow the path of the real estate agent. It feels like a loser job because it's what you do when you can't do anything else. Now, I don't actually believe that, but then again none of these are actually loser jobs. We just know that there is a stigma for them, especially when compared to other jobs. Being a real estate agent is a fine and necessary job, but the "anyone can do it" attitude of it can leave some people feeling like it's a loser job.

In reality, real estate agents make great money as long as they are self driven and highly motivated.

Real Estate Agent - Huge Commissions

There are properties out there that need to be sold, and someone has to sell them, so that's where this great job comes in. When you're talking about selling million dollar homes and that real estate agent is taking hom ten percent, that's some good money. It can take a long time to make a sale, but that's just the name of the game. You better be good at handling your money so that you don't sell a house and then blow it all.

If you've got a good personality and would like to self manage yourself, this loser job could be the best way for you to do that. Make sure that you know the area you're selling in though. No one likes a realtor who just moved to the city. That would be ridiculous.

24. Mercenary

When we talk about jobs that aren't for everyone, the job of mercenary comes to mind. This is definitely not the job for everyone in terms of both skill set and in terms of raw nerve. A mercenary can be hired for either combat or for protection. They are usually ex-military since the job requires skills only gained and tested on the real battlefield. As you can see by all of those details, this isn't a job that you can simply fall into. It might be considered a loser job simply because it truly is for those who can't do anything else.

It's tough to say what will happen on a mercenary job, but you may find yourself in the position of just being there to keep order. That isn't so bad, but your life will always be at risk with a job like this. That's of course why it will pay very well.

Mercenary - Legal Trouble

There are companies out there that have contracts with the government, but there has also been legal trouble regarding the use of mercenaries and who can be hired for what. You also might not find tons of work within the United States, or you won't find any work at all in the United States. If you haven't served in the military, then this career most likely won't be for you. You simply won't be able to find the contacts to get the jobs.

I know that this job might seem ridiculous, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist or that it's not a valid profession. There are negative sides to it, but for those who have come out of the military with little other options, this may be the best way to make a living.

25. Creative Writer

Creative writing is exactly what I'm doing now, and it can span from books to articles to screenplays. The reason why it's a loser job is because who deserves to make a living out of thinking of fun stuff? It feels like an indulgent job that doesn't really help anyone. It's nothing like a doctor or a police officer, for example. But creative writing is an important job because it encompasses all of communication. If you can communicate, you can have power.

While it is very hard to make a living as a creative writer, there is a lot of money in it if you pursue the right avenues, are talented, and work hard. You can pursue simple article writing which pays little but can come in abundance, or the more rare position of selling screenplays, which can pay immensely.

Creative Writer - Competitive

There are more jobs in entertainment creative writing than you'd guess. A successful screenwriter, for example, will not only write full screenplays for studios and sell them, but they'll also be hired to revise screenplays. The field is incredibly competitive, so that may turn off some people who would rather make money in a more straightforward way. The upside? Screenwriting is very fun. That's the trade off.

Screenwriting is more a dream example of a creative writing job, so let's talk about what other jobs are available as a creative writer. Practically everything. From speech writing to copy writing to ghostwriting. There are many directions to go. It's a skill everyone should have, but if you excel at it then it's the type of job that can get you a job in practically any modern company.



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