I'm smart but I do dumb things anyway. I wish common sense was common.
Never far from the imagination is the age when dinosaurs roamed the earth. But when we talk dinosaurs roaming the earth, how does that break down into…
There's almost nothing better you can do for yourself than include heaping portions of vegetables in your daily diet. They're nutritious, they're deli…
If you've watched soap operas, which you might have if you were home sick from school 25 years ago, you know there are staples without which it is not…
With the coronavirus pandemic raging across the world, people are getting more comfortable with the idea of wearing masks, whether they like it or not…
A reboot of the 70s comedy classic “10” is in the works, and if you're wondering how fast a remake of the iconic poster depicting Bo Derek can be …
Have you found yourself with a lot more time lately? That may be the case due to the coronavirus that has caused self-isolation orders to stop its spr…
There is one simple fact that is true, yet so many people don't want to admit it. The proof is out there, though. The numbers don't lie. The truth I'm…
We tend to get incredibly close and connected to our sports stars. They fight hard for us - not just our entertainment, but also for the pride of our …
This is the future. We are living in a time when finally, all our blinkered views on sexual and gender norms are being thrown out the window. It's not…
We humans are notorious collectors of stuff. We just can't help ourselves. If we see something, we buy something, never thinking about what's going to…
The world has an order to it. For example, when we're teaching children different words, we'll tell them that a spoon is something that you find in a …
To say that life is full of dangerous surprises is the understatement of the year. No matter who you are, what you're doing, or where you live, traged…