35. Carina Damm

35. Carina Damm

Carina Damm is another fighter from the country that invented a lot of the moves and techniques featured in MMA - Brazil. She is 39-years old, making her one of the oldest female fighters to be featured in this list. She is still fighting, meaning she is showing no signs of wanting to retire anytime soon. Her stats are the following: she is 5'4" tall (which is 162.56 cm) and she weighs 135 pounds, which amounts to 61.23 kg in the metric system.

She is from the small village of Villa Velha in Brazil, which makes her rise to fame in the US even more of a spectacular success. She had to fight in local tournaments in Brazil for many years before she got invited to local championships abroad. She also has a long history of winning - she has 23 wins in total. Apart from that, she also has 14 losses and zero draws. She has scored a knockout in 30% of all of her winning fights.


Did You Know...


Over the years, weve seen so many food trends come and go, such as ramen burgers, matcha, and spiked ice-cream. Nowadays, were seeing another trend making waves in the food industry. How many times today have you seen an Instagram photo of a scoop of black ice cream, or a cup of black yogurt, or hamburgers with black buns? Indeed, the charcoal trend has taken the world by storm.


So, what gives your latte that deep black shade? Activated charcoal, or coconut ash, is produced by heating coconut shells to insanely high temperatures until theyre burnt to a crisp. The ashes are then increased in size by steaming at high temperatures. Through this process, the ashes become a strong detoxifier, mostly because they become extra absorbent. This product may be purchased in pill form, and promises to alleviate hangovers, minimize the effects of food poisoning, and fight the visible signs of aging.


Activated charcoal is said to boost ones energy as a result of decreasing toxins in the body. However, no evidence proves that detoxifying can lead to increased energy. Also, while it can help cure a hangover, it doesnt necessarily remove alcohol from your blood. It is also said to aid in debloating your stomach because it cleanses your colon but again, this all anecdotal and isnt supported by scientific evidence as of yet. All we can say for sure is that it is a proven detoxifier.


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