Watch: Toy Story 4

Watch: Toy Story 4

It's been eight years since 'Toy Story 3', and we're just about finished crying, so we suppose it's time for the fourth movie to come out. It's been an even longer wait than was originally planned; this film was announced in 2014 and scheduled for release in both 2017 and 2018 before finally being confirmed for June 21st, 2019. Nobody seems to be too sure what caused the hold-up.

All the toys are still living with Bonnie, after Andy donated them to her at the end of the previous film. However, their cozy existence is apparently interrupted by a fork who's being used as a toy, and thus has an existential crisis. Also, Bo Peep needs rescuing, so there's a lot going on. Tim Allen, who provides the voice of Buzz Lightyear, said the final scene is so emotional it took him multiple takes to get through it, whereas co-star Tom Hanks calls it 'a moment in history'. Great, we're going to cry again aren't we...


Did You Know...


Whether celebrities are looking to be in the spotlight or escape the paparazzi, there are some popular vacation destinations that always seem to be frequented by the stars. Celeb spotting is a favorite pastime of many travelers, and you might be able to snag a photo or even an autograph when you visit these top celebrity vacation spots around the world. Although the price tags may be a bit higher in these destinations than your average budget getaway, these are some of the best celebrity vacation spots that you can start saving up to visit and enjoy the trip of a lifetime.


One of the classiest celebrity vacation spots in Europe is Mallorca, Spain. It’s known as a spot to be posh more than a spot to party. Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones have a house here, and it’s been a favorite getaway for Gwenyth Paltrow. Some of the local favorites that boast the most celebrity sightings include the Wellies Restaurant and Bar, Puerto Portals, and Es Trenc Beach.


Saint Tropez is known for its amazing beaches and blissful landscapes. Celebrity couples like Beyoncé and Jay Z and David and Victoria Beckham have been spotted vacationing along these famous beaches. The Cote d’Azur seaport is a big draw for celebs here, as well as top beach clubs like Club 55.


Perhaps the most well-known celebrity that loves Lake Como is George Clooney. He has a villa with over a dozen rooms here so he can bring all his friends along to relax, get away, and party. Villa d’Este is another popular place celebrities choose to stay because of its attention to privacy. Just ask Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bette Midler, or Sylvester Stallone!


Sure, there are plenty of celebrities that call Sydney home year-around, but there are lots of others who like to visit for a surfing and sailing getaway. Sydney’s Bondi Beach has been a top vacation pick for Leonardo DiCaprio and Hugh Jackman, and some A-list accommodations are the InterContinental Hotel and the Park Hyatt in the Rocks.


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