Dog Ruins Christmas After Eating Family's Entire Turkey

Entertainment | By Cole Damon | December 27, 2017

We're all guilty of overeating on certain days of the year. But if a pet dog engages in the same behavior, it becomes an annoyance for the whole family. This extremely greedy dog ate so much on her family's Christmas dinner that she collapsed. The dog, a Chi Apso, which is a cross between dog breeds Chihuahua and Lhasa Apso surprised everyone by sneaking into the kitchen.

The dog ate the whole thing

David, the owner of the dog explained on his Twitter post, "It was a sizably large Turkey breast. Mum cooked everything and put it on the bottom tier of a two tier table and put tin foil and dish cloth over it."

The family had no idea

The family had absolutely no idea that their dog would sneak inside the kitchen and make its way towards the tasty Turkey. Bubba ate the whole thing and was left bloated and unable to move after swallowing the turkey dinner.

The left over

Once the dog felt bloated and stumbled over, she left only a tiny fragment of the turkey breast. It's surprising that the little pooch was able to eat so much given that it was enough meat for three people.

The whiff of the food

The whiff of the turkey breast was enough to kick the dog into action and she couldn't help but sneak herself inside the kitchen. The aftermath of the gluttony was that Bubba bloated to twice her normal size.

Is Bubba okay?

We wonder if Bubba is okay. After all this isn't just a normal case of overeating. The dog took it to the next level by eating food which is almost her own body weight. Can this have negative health consequences on her?

The owner documented this over Twitter

Instead of getting enraged over the dog's rebellious behavior, the family didn't mind too much. Of course once he got over the mild annoyance, the owner took to Twitter and shared the snap of his guilty pet.

The Tweet was circulated far and wide

The tweet became instantly viral and at the time of this article's writing accumulated over 24,000 likes and 10,000 re-tweets. Almost everyone empathized both with the family and the dog. We wonder what would have happened if the dog had eaten the remainder of the food.

Twitter's comments

Twitteratis were amused by the family's latest conundrum. One follower remarked, "She's the same shape as the turkey!" As she bemused over the bloated size of the dog and her self induced paralysis, which prevented her from moving.

The family's dinner was saved however

All is not lost however. The family's Christmas Turkey dinner wasn't ruined since the relatives were able to bring a round spare turkey to save the day. This may have saved the dog from getting chastised and possibly abandoned.

They will put the dog on a diet

The family has decided that their dog's adventurous diet should come to an end. As a consequence of its erratic behavior, they have decided to put it on a New Year diet plan, which will presumably wean the pooch off its excess fat.

Overeating in dogs

Overeating in dogs is a common problem, especially around the holiday season and the presence of high calorie meals. Dogs love to go above and beyond to satisfy their never ending desire for gluttony, but this can become a serious problem.

A health problem

If the dog engages in frequent food overeating activities, it can became dangerous for the canines. They begin to look extremely restless and would find it difficult to lie down in a comfortable position. They can start panting and drooling and feel like vomiting.

A serious problem

These symptoms can be a telltale sign of a more serious problem called GDV, in which the stomach can twist inside the pet's abdomen. The pain receptors stretch causing extreme discomfort and stress to the dog, it could also possibly cause dehydration.

Compromised blood flow

To compensate for this, the stomach absorbs fluids from other parts of the body which can cause dehydration. The toll it takes on the GI tract can quickly compromise blood flow to various parts of the dog's body, which is a bad sign.

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