15 Ways To Know If You're With A Life Soulmate

Lifestyle | By Emily Malone | January 19, 2018

So you've started dating someone new and you think they may be 'the one.' It can be hard to tell the difference between a good partner and a soul mate. Especially when we find someone we really click with, we may try to think of them as our forever life partner, when in reality they may be a soulmate that will come and go. Here are some ways you can learn a bit about yourself and your partner's relationship.

Soulmates Are There For A Reason

Your soulmate doesn't necessarily have to be a boyfriend or girlfriend. It can be anyone in your life that you relate to on a deeper level. Your soulmate will help you learn something about yourself, even if it's something you didn't know you needed to learn.

Life Partner As Your Cheerleader

Although your life partner may not teach you something on a deeper level like your soulmate, your life partner will likely be your biggest support system and cheerleader. They may help you to be more self confident and push you to face challenges you would otherwise avoid.

The Soulmate Connection

As we said before, your soulmate usually enters your life to teach you something. This lesson may not be the most pleasant or smooth experience so you can expect your relationship to reflect that. Even if it's a trying relationship, you should see it through to get what you need out of it.

Self Acceptance

While your soulmate will usually teach you something, your life partner is more likely to come into your life when you yourself are at a point of self acceptance and respect. Once you've discovered self love, you're more apt to attract your life partner.

Intensity Of Soulmates

When your with your soulmate, it can feel like you've known each other for a very long time. Often people say they are like old souls coming back to each other. This could be due to shared history or future goals. Whatever the bond, it's sure to be intense.

Life Partner Connections

Life partner connections are usually more carefree than that of the soulmate relationship. Your connection with them is usually a more positive emotional one rather than an intense learning experience. Life partners often find that their love evolves and heightens slowly overtime as the couple grows together.

Soulmate Connections Don't Always Need Words

Like we said before, your soulmate feels like someone you've known for a long time. You may feel like you can complete each other's sentences and know what the other is thinking without them voicing anything. This is mainly because of the shared life stories you most likely have.

Physical Relationship

The life partner relationship is usually the more physical one. Since soulmates aren't always a boyfriend or girlfriend, but maybe a friend or relative, this makes obvious sense. Physical relationships with a life partner, like the relationship overall, may start out fun and carefree and grow more intense overtime.

Life Stages

Where you are in your life can affect the type of person that will show up. Soulmates usually show up in difficult times when you need questions answered or closure. Soulmates are likely to guide you through tough times, but could potentially leave your life after the time has passed.

Easy Partnership

A life partner could be your soulmate, but not always. If they aren't it doesn't necessarily mean its a bad thing. If they aren't your soulmate, the relationship is likely to feel more easy and could potentially last longer. Life partners each bring their own identity to the relationship which usually means a more healthy and long term future.

Can Your Partner Be Both?

Soulmates aren't always life partners and life partners not always soulmates. We've outlined how they are different, but it's possible you've found both in one partner. You should tread lightly and be sure about your decision before making a soulmate a life partner. It is sure to change the relationship dynamic and it could be either good or bad.

Déjà Vu?

It could feel very easy and natural to make your soulmate your life partner. With them it feels like you already know each other rather than starting at square one with a new partner. Although the relationship may start off easier and feel more advanced, it may not stay that way.

Life With A Life Partner

If you have a life partner and not a soulmate, don't fear! Life may seem easier and more enjoyable this way. Although you may miss that deep soulmate connection, you are likely to keep a strong sense of self and grow individually while with a life partner.

To Stay Or Not

Now that you know better how to distinguish which kind of partner you currently have, you can make a better decision on how to proceed with your relationship. Are they a soulmate who may only be around for a short while, or a long term life partner?

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