15 Challenging Brainteasers for Kids That Will Work Your Mind

Entertainment | By Cole Damon | January 25, 2018

We have all been through that stage in life where brainteasers were part of exams and we as kids would solve them to get some marks. However brainteasers have gotten tougher over time and here we have 15 that will make you sweat. Please take your time thinking of the answer as the answer would be mentioned in the description below.

What Is It?

What is it about a minute, a moment and a thousand years that links them together? Focus on the letters and see if you can find a link between the words. Yes, you guessed it right; the answer is the letter 'M'.

Which Tire?

This is for all of those who think of themselves as great drivers. Which one of the tires in the vehicle stays stagnant when the car is moving to the right? All four tires should be moving, which leaves us with the Spare Tire as the answer.

What Can It Be?

What options do we have when we think about things that aren't alive, but have five fingers on them? Definitely something we wear. What do we wear on our hands? You are right if you answered A Glove successfully.

The Dictionary

Obviously, the dictionary has to be right. Which word in an English dictionary is intentionally written incorrectly? There are not many options we have where, which leads you to the answer that is the word 'incorrectly' itself.

How Many Vehicles?

Well, we do know that the truck is headed to the village. But, we surely don't know whether the 4 vehicles met by the truck were going to the village or not. The answer to this question definitely has to be 'One Truck'.


Well, this one is surely complex. What do you buy to eat, but never end up eating? Obviously has to do with something inedible. Yes, if you're going towards the right direction you would have guessed 'A Plate' by now.

What Can It Be?

This brainteaser is certainly not for primary children, because it looks complex and really tricky. What can give you poison and fruit and kill you and give you life? Obviously something we say. Yes, Words is the correct answer.

Which Hand?

There is certainly a trick involved somewhere in this brainteaser. Why would you prefer one hand over another for something trivial as stirring sugar in a cup of tea? Obviously because you use 'A Spoon' to stir sugar, not your hands.


What is it that dies down when you give it a drink? Or more clearly put, what can be killed or limited through the use of liquids like water and stuff? Those of us who are headed down the right path would have guessed 'Fire' as the answer by now.

Who Can It Be?

Who can it be that makes move while remaining seated? Obviously, no person can move or make moves while remaining seated unless they are playing a board game, and that board game is chess. A chess player is the right answer.

Think Hard

The more you take out of it the bigger it keeps becoming, what can it be? What is that one thing that the more you take out or dig out, it keeps getting bigger? Yes, A Pit is the answer we are looking for over here.


What keeps getting further away from you, the more you walk to it? And, it is located between the sky and the ground, and it is always far in distance. The correct answer is 'Horizon', which was pretty obvious considering the hints.


What exists only when there is light present somewhere? Although, they exist due to light, but direct light can kill them. What do you think it is? This one was tricky so we might cut you some slack if you didn't guess the right answer, which is 'A shadow'.


This brainteaser is one of those ones which aren't really complex but are really tricky. What is it that only increases but never decreases? It is related to you. The answer is 'Your Age'. You grow older but never grow younger.

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