How To Recognize a Heart Attack a Month Before It Happens

Science | By Cole Damon | February 8, 2018

The human body can suffer from a variety of conditions that can leave it at a risk of collapse. Here we will be talking about one of the most dangerous out of all these condition; the heart attacks. Heart attacks are usually hard to identify at first, but with the knowledge in this article, you will recognize an attack a month before it happens.

Leading Cause of Death

Heart attacks are one of the leading causes of death currently in the United States. Owing much to our lifestyle and eating habits, our hearts have grown frail and suffer from eventual attacks and strokes on a regular basis.

Identifying Symptoms

Doctors and researchers that have worked on identifying the symptoms for heart attacks have told that the best way for prevention lies in realizing and catching the symptoms of a heart attack in their infancy, before they build up.


The adverse effect of not identifying the symptoms of a heart attack in advance is that you can end up putting a lot of stress on your body. This stress can eventually have a deteriorating impact and will leave you at a risk of a major attack.

How Does an Attack Happen

An attack or stroke in the heart doesn't just happen all of a sudden. The medical buildup behind a stroke starts taking place from a couple of months back in the line. This medical build up can be identified by eagle eyed individuals.

An Attack

During a heart attack the person experiencing the attack feels that the flow of blood to his/her heart has suddenly stopped. This usually happens because of clotting in the blood. The buildup of plaque in the arteries is the major source of clotting.

Loss of Blood

Since the heart suddenly feels that the circulation of blood coming in has stopped, it finds itself in a congested space. Breathing becomes difficult and the body goes into the condition known as a heart attack in medical terms.

Warning Signs

By learning the warning signs of a heart attack you could keep out the threat when it comes your way in the future. Knowing the symptoms of any disease is good, which is why you will benefit from this article as well.

6 Symptoms

Here we will be pointing out 6 symptoms that indicate towards a heart attack in the near future. The person suffering from these symptoms can beware of his deteriorating condition and should immediately take action to address the issue.

Cold Sweat

Whenever your body is suffering from poor circulation of blood, it will be sending cold sweats as an indication that it is not functioning properly. Cold sweats are an indication of extreme medical danger and should be addressed in time.

Chest Pressure

This is one of the most noticeable signs of an approaching heart attack. Constant pressure in the heart is a clear sign that the body is soon going to suffer from an attack. Many people ignore this tightness, which can have a negative impact.


Being extremely tired all the time is under symptom of the condition. Patients feel a certain amount of jaw pain and nausea once they are suffering from this condition. Blood flow is often hampered, which can leave you weak.

Cold and Flu

Most of the patients that have suffered from a heart attack have mentioned that they recorded a developing flu before the occurrence of the attack. These signs are very scary and require your full attention for you to spot them early.


Fatigue is another major symptom of an upcoming heart attack. A person that is about to suffer a major impediment in the heart would feel drowsy and tired all the time and would not be able to focus anywhere.

Shortness of Breath

Due to the tiredness and fatigue, the person about to suffer from the attack would also run out of breath at many times of the day. Your lungs also suffer due to loss of blood, which is why it is necessary to identify the symptoms.

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