Transgender Man Who Gave Birth To Baby Boy Has A Few Words For All The Haters

Inspiration | By Cole Damon | October 11, 2017

While we have made a lot of strides when it comes to transgender rights, we are nowhere near as good as we should be. Transgender people face a lot of hate just for being who they are. They are told that they are an abomination or that they have mental problems. Imagine how much hate a pregnant transgender man would get. You don't need to imagine - let's see the story of Trystan to get an idea of what happened.

Trystan and Biff are a transgender couple

Trystan and Biff are a transgender couple. They are married and have been in love for a long time. They wanted what most people want once they are married - they wanted to start a family and that is exactly what they did.

Trystan became pregnant

Trystan and Biff were over the moon when they realized that Trystan was pregnant. They had taken a lot of care to ensure that everything was right for the pregnancy, and they had been rewarded for it. They both told their friends.

They put it on Facebook

They also put the announcement on Facebook where it went viral. While a lot of people shared it because they were happy about an LGBT couple being happy, a lot of other people shared it because of the hate they felt for the couple.

People hated on them

People said all the things people usually say about transgenders. They said that they weren't fit enough to be parents. People said that they were an abomination in the eyes of God, and that they both needed to mend their ways.

They got a lot of love too

The heartening thing is that they got more love than hate. A lot of people loved that Trystan was pregnant and wanted to hear more about it. People commented on their post a lot and told them to keep them posted.

They created a website for everyone

Seeing the positive feedback and seeing how many people wanted to be there during the journey, Trystan and Biff started a website where people could follow the whole story. They posted the stories and details they wanted to share on their website.

They were brave

Transgender people receive a lot of hate in real life but it is nothing compared to the hate they see online. When people can hide behind the anonymity of internet they really bring the hate out. Trystan and Biff were brave for putting the journey out there.

They did it for other trans people

They knew how hard it was to have a baby as a transgender person, and they wanted to encourage other transgender people who want babies but are too afraid. They shared their journey so other trans people could learn from it.

Being pregnant was hard for Trystan

Trystan is a man with a beard. It was tough for him to leave home when he was pregnant because of all the looks that he would get. People used to stare and he could see the confusion and disapproval in their face.

However the couple's fans helped

One thing which kept the couple happy is that they got a lot of love as well. All the people that followed their journey and were supportive allowed them to drown out the hate. Whenever they felt too hated they just looked at all the love they got.

They then had the baby

They finally had the baby and it was perfectly healthy. They were both very happy about having a baby, and they shared the news with the world as well. They got a lot of positive attention from people all over the world.

They want to normalize things

They knew that they would get a lot of hate and a lot of looks for going public with the pregnancy news, but they did it anyway. They wanted to normalize this, so other LGBT couples wouldn't have to go through the same thing that they did.

They know have an adorable family

One look at the pictures of Trystan and Biff and the baby and you will agree that they are the cutest things ever. Both Trystan and Biff look like such proud dads in the pictures and the baby boy looks very happy as well.

They had 2 adopted kids already

Trystan's sister could no longer take care of her two children so she gave them up for adoption, which is how they came to live with Trystan and Biff. So while they already had a family, this was the first biological child that they had.

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