15 Things That Shouldn't Be Dumped Down The Drain

Entertainment | By Cole Damon | March 6, 2018

We feel that the toilet leads to some mysterious blackhole where all our undesirables can be safely thrown away into oblivion. Only if that were true, we would end up with zero pollution on our planet. The truth however is that all toilets have a proper drainage system which has an exit point - and they are only designed to handle waste, not these 15 items.

Egg shells

Egg shells are not as readily biodegradable as other forms of food and might just take space down the drain forever. Rice will eventually get decomposed but egg shells would take years! So do not dump down egg shells.


It is so convenient to dump away food which you do not want to eat down the drain. Just dump it down and flush away all your grievances into oblivion, but all that rice eventually clogs up the place.


Flour seems relatively harmless to the average drainage system. After all , it is so incredibly minute; what harm could it do right? Wrong. When flour combines with water it can cause quite easily clog up the place.


Some pills dump their pills down the drain (for reasons unknown to us) and they are of the common misconception that pills dissolve down the drain. This is false because they only dissolve when you apply force - the force of your mouth.


We're all guilty of engaging in this behavior. Whether we do it intentionally or unintentionally, hair is one of the most common sights of most pipes and gutters. Hair does not decompose and stays there until maintenance is performed.

Stickers from fruits and jars

Everyone wants to advertise their names on their product so that the consumer would remember them. What they don't know is the fact that most of these stickers end up clogging the drainage system and causing all sorts of mess.

Rocks and debris

Small pieces of debris such as pieces of rock and other waste material is also commonly dumped down the drain. They will take millions of years to properly disintegrate and will clog up the system. Be careful what you throw in there.


You wouldn't believe what some people would throw down there. Of course they wouldn't want to dump their condoms inside trash bags because their visitors would know what they've been up to, so they simply throw it down the drain. But the plumber would find out.

Cigarette butts

Cigarette butts contain harmful chemicals which can contaminate the water supply and create problems for the whole city and its denizens. What's even worse is the fact that they never dissolve, they absorb water, expand and cause cluttering.


Much like condoms, people would like to throw away all their privately used products somewhere others won't be able to find out. And that double applies to tampons. Girls - don't do this, the plumber will find out.

Cotton balls

Most people think that cotton balls are the most harmless substance ever created. But the truth is that they are non-biodegradable polymers which won't get dissolved at all. What's worse is that they usually contain harmful chemicals and contaminate the water supply.

Paper towels

Paper towers are extremely tough and do not at all dissolve by the action of water. After all, they are designed to absorb all the water. The biodegradable ones are also not designed to be flushed down the toilet.

Dental floss

Dental floss does not dissolve in water and will end up tangled in the pipes. After making it to the sewage systems, it will latch on to other material and increase their likelihood of causing clogs in the system


Diapers are designed to be resistant against water. They are thick, usually contain harmful material (feces) and cause clogs right in the U-bend. It is much better to just dispose them off in the trash can like a responsible person.

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