Man Hilariously Photoshops Himself Into Every Oscar-Nominated Movie Poster

Humor | By Cole Damon | March 7, 2018

The Oscars are a wonderful thing. Not only do they crown some of the best films of the year in each distinct category, they also represent some of the highest achievements in cinematic history. And for the fans, what could be better than seeing your favorite actor, actress or director take Oscar gold home so you can fan boy over them even more. Well, this guy found something better.

Shape of Water:

Shape of Water was something unique. While some have critics the severely sexual tones in the movie that do not make sense while not delivering the pulsating drama that some of the other movies did, it did win Oscar gold. And this guy wanted to be in on that poster.

The fourth billboard:

Now this really was a movie that deserved all the plaudits that it got. It represented one of the best genres that the movie world has. A suspense thriller where the plot is convoluted around a mother's emotion and believes that there is no justice in this world. This guy apparently wanted in one the action.

The steps:

Tom Hanks + Meryl Streep in a Steven Spielberg movie have rarely ever failed. This is the sort of combination that almost always yields in Oscar gold. The poster was thing of beauty in itself representing the numerous blockades that the government likes to put on its citizens.

No smoking:

Sir Winston Churchill was a giant of history. And there could've been no finer actor to play him than the immense Gary Oldman who will finally be able to take him his first Oscar thanks to his performance of a lifetime. Winston was notorious for his cigars and that is exactly what this guy wants him to know.

Daniel Day Lewis' swansong:

This was Daniel Day Lewis' last movie. The goliath of acting. The man who's won the Best Actor Oscar more than anyone will be bidding farewell to this life after delivering his final performance in Phantom Thread. The movie is piece of art; the poster is something we like to comment less upon.


The movie that will probably go down as Director Christopher Nolan's most unusual movie to date. The man who has become known as the guy who likes to bend the laws of usual cinematography has managed to get another winner on his hands thanks to this incredibly war epic. The guy sees the funny side.

Lady Bird:

Greta Gerwig's masterpiece Lady Bird represents a new departure for her in a movie that represents the modern enactment of the coming of age dramas that we had grown accustomed to over the years. These breathe of fresh air presents us with the freshness and uniqueness that had been missing before.

The horror or comedy:

Get Out surprised both fans and critics is with its unique twist on things. The idea is quite over the top, and that is exactly what seems to have gotten this movie such resounding success. It's the subtle nature of the movie that is its biggest success. Something not obvious here.

Hacksaw Ridge:

This was supposed to be Mel Gibson's redemption movie and it pretty much got him that. A story that was able to move us all due to the intricate message that was at the base of it, it stands as a great testimony to what a war movie can be.

La La Land:

What was the last good musical we ever saw? None because Hollywood seems to have gotten over the La La Land fervor and given in to the more serious and brooding nature of what movies can be. Hence La La Land seemed to feel like a breath of fresh air that transformed the market.

Manchester at Sea:

A movie that has come under a lot of heat lately due to the fact that it has Casey Affleck in the lead role. Casey's role was probably superb but the ensuing harassment claims have reflected rather poorly on the movie itself.

Hell or High water:

Now what else could any man want. This was a man's movie made by men, for men, with men alongside men. The machismo was something that clearly defined the undertones of the movie that had people packing the theaters t go and watch this masterpiece.

Trianspotting 2:

Trianspotting 2 was the movie that relied heavily on nostalgia and the feelings of past. The actors that we had loved and adored growing up were now getting old and battling the challenges of life themselves. Made up for a terrific movie that was able to capture the magic.

Silence of the Lambs:

Now this is one of those ultimate classics that define not only movies but the art of movie making in general. How will the generations of the future perceive this horror remains to be seen but it contains a performance of a lifetime from Jodie Foster and Sir Anthony Hopkins.

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