15 Light Fat-Burning Exercises That You Can Easily Do In Bed

Lifestyle | By Cole Damon | March 14, 2018

Losing weight is a journey that begins from a basic step by step basis. You cannot just hope to start losing weight all of a sudden by following a strict routine, as that would give you a change in lifestyle that you won't be able to follow or comprehend. Here we list some light fat burning exercises that you can do from your bed to start with.

Healthy Lifestyle

Before we start with mentioning the exercise, we need to mention that it is extremely necessary for you to start a healthy lifestyle that factors in for all needs that you may have during a day or week.

Follow the Regime

Considering that you're starting from the most basic point in the ladder, it is necessary that you keep following the drill and don't stop on the pattern as a whole. Always keep looking for ways to better your weight loss journey.

Bent Leg Side Raises

The first light weight losing exercise you can do on your bed is to try out bent leg side raises. Stay on your knees, while keeping your back straight. Then, left one leg high and keep it at a straight angle. Repeat this 10 times.

Plank and Leg Lift

Plank and leg lift together is the best thing you can do to start your weight lifting journey. The plank itself is a good exercise, but if you add a leg lifting regime to it, you can really amplify the weight loss process.

Glute Bridge

A glute bridge is a good way to start your weight loss journey from the calms of your bed. Just lie on your bed and raise your buttocks up. Stay in this position for a minute or so and tighten your body in a bid to ensure that the position is helpful.

Lateral leg raises

Lie on one side of your body and have your hips exactly on top of each other. When in this position, you can start by raising the top leg up and then coming back into position. Repeat this position up to 10 times and you would be good to go.

Russian Twist

There is nothing that beats a Russian twist when it comes to losing weight. Start the process by sitting with your knees bent. Then, lean back a bit and raise your feet from the ground. Then slowly twist your torso and make 180 degree rounds.


Keeping your body in a plank is a good way to lose some weight. Rest your arms on the bed and form a straight line from head to your feet. Hold this position for as long as you can and you would have achieved the purpose of a plank.

Push-up Hold

Get in the position of a plank that we mentioned above and have your hands underneath your chest for support and your elbows extended. Maintain this position for as long as you can and you would achieve the purpose.

Bicycle Crunches

Lie with your hands behind your head. Then start the process by bringing your knees towards your chest. Keep repeating this process by bringing your opposite elbow towards the knee to form a connection between your body's figure.

Criss Cross

All you need to do here is to lie on your back and lift your legs straight up while keeping them in a straight position. With both legs up start criss crossing your ankle by raising one over the other in a repetitive movement.

Full Body Crunch

Lie down on your back and lift your feet up from the ground. Then tuck your knees towards your chest and crunch your body upwards. Crunches tighten both your upper and lower body and make you fit on these positions.

Reverse Crunches

Reverse crunches are perfect for maintaining killer abs in your body. Lie down on your back with your knees kept together and your legs bent on a 90 degree angle. Slowly and gradually crunch your knees by lifting your hips.


Lie down on your stomach and slowly start to raise your hands and head up. Then when you are in that position, start raising your legs and thighs up. Now, maintain that position for as long as you can.

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