Learn How to Properly Whistle Like a Boss

Entertainment | By Ian Anglin | November 6, 2017

Many people have a hidden "wish" inside them - and that wish is the ability to whistle as loud as you want, anytime and anywhere. You have probably seen some guys calling each other by whistling so loudly that is sounds like a car horn. They can easily do over 90-95db (and airplane engine does 110+db). If whistling was your true hidden wish, then today is your lucky day. There will be two different methods explaining in this article - hopefully one of them will work out for you.

Join the Index and Middle Fingers Together

To start off, you need to join the index and middle fingers on both of your hands together. Just like the picture above, try to make the letter "A" with your fingers. Once you have accomplished this, you are ready to proceed to the next step.

Your Bottom Lip

Now you need to put the bottom part of your lips over all of your lower teeth - none of your lower teeth can be visible, as that would let the air out. Additionally, you may need to press your bottom lips, by placing your tongue on top of them.

Twist Your Tongue

Now you need to make a kind of "bow" with your tongue. To assume that position, you need to pull back your tongue and leave it there. Refer to the picture above to make sure you do things properly. Even a small mistake may be enough to break your whistling attempts.

Put the Four Fingers In Your Mouth

Once your lower lips, tongue, and fingers are ready, you can then place the four fingers (while making the letter "A") inside your mouth. Make sure your hands are clean - you don't want to get a cold or an infection from trying this out.

Start Blowing Slowly

Once you have done everything as described in the previous photo, you can start to blow slowly, while also moving the "bow" of your tongue backward and forwards, until you finally notice the sound that you want coming out of your mouth.

Once You Get the Sound Right

After moving the tongue backward and forwards to get the right pitch and tone of your whistle, you can then start to blow with full force, so that your whistle becomes louder. You should practice a bit several times in order to get the correct technique.

If You Didn't Make It

If the previous photos and advice weren't enough to help you whistle, here's the good news - there is a second technique, that some people find easier than the previous one. Perhaps you are one of those people, in which case, check out the next photos.

Moisten Your Lips

The first step to perfect this whistling technique is to moisten your lips - either use your tongue or just rub some water, although your tongue would work better. Once that is done you are ready for the next step, which is similar to how the previous technique worked.

Positioning Your Lips

Once you have moistened your lips, you can now proceed to position them in a way that completely covers your upper and lower teeth. Make sure you properly cover your teeth with your lips, as otherwise, your whistling will not work.

Positioning Your Fingers

Now that your lips are covering your teeth, you need to position your teeth. You have to make a kind of claw with your thumb and forefinger, and then put them in your mouth. The fingers must be placed at the ends of your mouth, almost stretching it wide.

Positioning Your Tongue

A with any whistling technique, your tongue is going to play the crucial role. It is what is going to make or break your whistling attempts. You have to pull your tongue to the back of your mouth. Once that is done, while holding your fingers to the sides of the mouth, start to slowly blow.

Adjusting the Technique

Naturally, you are going to need some practicing and adjusting of the technique before you get the results you want. Try moving your tongue forwards and backward in order to try and get the right pitch and tone to your whistling.

It Takes a Lot of Practice

The people that you see whistling on the street make the whole thing seem rather effortless. The truth is, those people have likely spent tens of hours practicing and whistling during their childhood, which is why they can now do it in such an easy manner.

Whistling With Your Lips

There is another, an alternative way of whistling that doesn't involve using your fingers or teeth in any meaningful way. To whistle with your lips, you need to first pucker your lips like in the above photo. The opening of your lips should be small and circular.

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